Tuesday, September 15, 2020

49: Female Monarch and Garden Flowers



  1. Title [Click]
    Krugman: The G.O.P. Plot to Sabotage 2021 [Click] Basic thesis: no matter what, the GOP will do as much as it can to sabotage the country between now and the election, or between now and the inauguration of President Biden—and that’s plenty. He implies that Biden and the Dems won’t be able to pull ahead. Well, it may be that Biden is a very astute politician. And the incoming president faced as bad or worse in both 1860 and 1932; the former initiated (as memory serves me) a sixty-year run of Republican presidents, and the latter a thirty-five year run of Democratic Presidents (with an occasional interloper in each case).

  2. The smoke seems thinner this morning, although there again seems to be fog as well; the AQI is allegedly down to 175.

    1. We just now (1045) set out the raisins. The air is considerably less stinky than yesterday, the sun is stronger, and the sky is slightly blue.

    2. Any chance your raisins will taste a little smoky?

    3. We hope that the washing step toward the end will take care of that. After drying and stemming them, we sort by size, wash, dry in the oven, and pack in ziplock bags to equalize the moisture.

  3. So, once we have a vaccine, what's the likelihood of protection? It may vary by state. Here is a map showing the ranking of each state as regards vaccinations.

    Massachusetts is #1
    Vermont is #2


  4. VT: 1702 (+6)
    58deaths (48days)
    120 active cases
    In Hospital 2(+1)
    Tests 151,592 (+126)

  5. I found a graph of Biden and Trump polls that originally came from Financial Times. The headline numbers seem to be for a single recent day, and show Bide ahead 50.5% to 43.5%. Just eyeballing the September poll results indicates a steady lead for Biden of about 52% to 41%, compared to 50% to 40% in July. 52 to 41 in the popular vote generally translates into an electoral college landslide.

  6. Replies
    1. Yup, it looks like haze here more than clouds. It's a milky sort of blue instead of Autumn blue. And it makes me think of you and all those I care about in California and Oregon. We have experienced smoke from Canadian wildfires before. But this is more white than yellow and we can't smell the smoke, yet at least. Allegedly a cold front is going to move it out on Thursday. We'll see.

  7. Okay, guys, I have a question for you. Everybody here is up on the news, right? See if this sounds familiar.

    Last evening Sis told me that Mum told her that in an unspecified city a black man came up to two white, female rookie cops, who were just sitting in their car, like, waiting to catch speeders or something (One of them had a little girl) and shot them both in the head at point blank range. They aren't dead yet but crowds of black protesters have gathered outside the hospital chanting, "Let them die!" So now, the red hats are on television pontificating.

    That's not quite how Sis told it, but close enough.

    Didn't look at the news last night, but I checked it around 8:00 this morning, expecting to find coverage. Nothing. Just now, I googled ""Black gunman shoots two rookie cops in head" with the following result: https://www.google.com/search?rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&sxsrf=ALeKk039i-ya11l0IbPAj5PZcuClCIIXFA%3A1600193472288&ei=wANhX9-AEcuOggfj6KqIBA&q=black+gunman+shoots+two+rookie+cops+in+head&oq=black+gunman+shoots+two+rookie+cops+in+head&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIECCMQJzoHCCMQsAIQJ1CQ9SlYzo8qYOagKmgAcAB4AIAB3gKIAeIFkgEHMC4zLjAuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjf4PKb4evrAhVLh-AKHWO0CkEQ4dUDCAw&uact=5 [click], in other words, nothing. So what gives?

    To my way of thinking the crime is too perfect. It too conveniently fits the stereotypes and fears of Trump's base, being calculated to galvanize them and sway undecided voters and possibly people who call themselves liberals but keep an uneasy eye over their shoulder on those shifty, untrustworthy blacks. Didn't I see last week that Trump's poll numbers were way down? Ditto his contribution levels? Wouldn't a brutal, unprovoked attack of a black monster on fine, upstanding young white girls who just happened to be police officers, be just the ticket to increase both those numbers? I reckoned it would eventually come to light, most likely after Trump's landslide reelection, that he was, directly or by proxy, responsible for arranging the whole thing. It was a fine theory, until my attempt to google fell flat and I couldn't find any trace of the story Sis relayed to me. Wouldn't such an incident have made the national headlines today? Wouldn't my search term have turned up something more relevant than it did? Or is it that the story is true but my googling skills are more abysmal than I realized?

    1. I even went so far as to quickly check the Fox News web site. Iwe, Internet koodies! If anyplace would display headlines about the alleged shooting and its aftermath, they would. Nada.

    2. Your search was too specific. Two Los Angeles cops were shot while sitting in their patrol car. I haven't been following the story closely, but it seems highly improbable that both were rookies and nothing I have seen mentioned their gender. It's probably lack of attention that has kept me from hearing the race of the suspected perpetrator. The business about the protestors at the hospital sounds totally made up.

    3. Considering the generations of abuse by police and sheriff's deputies in Los Angeles I am not surprised, although I certainly do not approve.

    4. A gunman wounds two, a president kills hundreds of thousands. It's like a shoplifter going to prison while a businessman who loots a big company is held up as a great success.

    5. Considering the generations of abuse by police...I am not surprised, although I certainly do not approve.

      That was pretty much my immediate response, which shocked Sis. *shrug* She is easily shocked.

      Well, thank you, gentlemen, for your detective work. I'm sorry to learn there is a fairly large kernel of truth to Sis' story.

  8. OHIO;As of Tuesday afternoon, there have been at least 139,485 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 4,506 deaths, and 14,481 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  9. Washington Post: “States that have reopened bars experienced a doubling in the rate of coronavirus cases three weeks after the opening of doors, on average. The Post analysis — using data provided by SafeGraph, a company that aggregates cellphone location information — found a statistically significant national relationship between foot traffic to bars one week after they reopened and an increase in cases three weeks later.”

    1. I can help out the distillers' economies perfectly well at home, but evidently that doesn't satisfy some folk.

  10. In Guatemana, the Maya world untouched for centuries. [Click] “Archaeologists have suspected there was more to Tikal, El Zotz and Holmul. But it wasn’t until recently that proof came – in the form of Lidar, a type of remote sensing technology.” A well done exposition, with a couple of things I hadn’t known.

  11. "Scientific American, the oldest continuously published monthly magazine in the United States, had not made a presidential endorsement in the publication’s 175-year history, until Tuesday, when the magazine’s editors wrote they felt “compelled” to endorse Joe Biden for president."

    "The editorial begins by declaring that “the evidence and the science show that Donald Trump has badly damaged the U.S. and its people—because he rejects evidence and science.”

  12. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/09/02/los-angeles-police-fatally-shoot-black-man-dijon-kizzee-alleged/

    This is why some people were chanting,"let them die". They are tired of black people being the only ones to die.

    1. Completely understandable. And any white who does not grasp that it is completely understandable is willfully blind and deaf.

  13. The Most Important Number for the West’s Hideous Fire Season [Cli] “A little-noticed indicator [the Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) was flashing red before any of the blazes began.” And its effect is exponential.

  14. Why Everything Is Sold Out [Click] “The pandemic broke online shopping.” Gee, it’s a lot worse than I realized.

  15. I think this rather short essay is the best exposition I have yet encountered of the present Brexit inbroglio: The Great British Humbling [Click] “Like the bind of a tortuous finger trap, Britain’s Brexit conundrum grows tighter and more painful the more the country wrestles with it.”

    [Grammatical fussbudget that I am, I note that the author evidently confuses “tortuous” with “torturous.”]
