Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mount Mansfield as seen from Burlington VT


  1. First possibly community acquired case of Wuhan coronavirus in US found east of San Francisco. [Click] The patient lives in Solano County, where Travis AFB is located, and where a number of coronavirus patients have been received from East Asia. So that is a possible connection. S/he is being treated at a hospital in Sacramento—my guess is it would probably be the University of California Davis Medical Center.

  2. Joe Biden's Campaign Is What Happens When the Democratic Party Lacks Imagination [Click]

    Biden’s Campaign Has Been Neglecting Super Tuesday States [Click]

    Sanders Is More of an Insider Outsider [Click]

    I see that the NY Times continues oblivious to politics outside the New Democrat bubble, just as they did in 2016 and when Howard Dean was running. Democrats in disarray! The winner is a loser! The loser has to win! Political murder-suicide pact brewing among superdelegates! Etc., etc., etc. When it comes to history and science they also seem incredibly uneducated, and their proofreading leaves a lot to be desired.

    1. Yes, I gave up on the NYT years ago. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem still to take its word as gospel truth. I know. I'm related to two of them.

    2. Glad to know it isn't just my warped personality.

    3. Hmmm. Warped personality, huh? Curious. I hadn't noticed. *grin*

  3. Replies
    1. Boy, that link works REALLY WELL, Cat! Thank you.

    2. I found him an impressive fellow. In fact, he brought me close to tears.

      Common Defense has done a joint endorsement of Warren and Sanders, much like Robert Reich, and for much the same reasons. CD did announce theirs before Warren's rightward swerve, as did Reich. I'm not sure what to think about Warren at this point, especially since her star seems to be setting precipitously.

  4. Column: Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg both want to run your life. An interesting read. It starts by ripping Donald Trump to shreds and says that either Sanders or Bloomberg would be better in the sense that "it's better to be trampled by beagles than by buffalo."

  5. Democratic leaders willing to risk party damage to stop Bernie Sanders at convention. This article is all about superdelegates. It ignores the possibility of candidates dropping out and endorsing Bernie. (Note: It can also be found at the New York Times.)

    1. On CNN, Rep. Jim Clyburn was dissing Bernie for using the term “superdelegates,” saying they are “uncommitted delegates.”

      Anybody buy that latter term? 😂

      [Of course, Clyburn is one.]

      And anyway, it’s not like Bernie invented the term! Where has Clyburn been? Bernie was merely calling it like it is.

  6. “Pete Buttigieg, whose presidential campaign was a surprise fundraising machine in the lead-up to 2020, is counting on a stripped-down, grassroots-driven style of organizing to keep his candidacy alive in and after next week’s Super Tuesday primaries,” BuzzFeed News reports. [Click] Sounds to me like Pete is joining others on the off-ramp.

    Sanders Opens Wide Lead In Wisconsin Primary [Click]

    Be wary of South Carolina Polls [Click]

    'The young are our moral compass': how US teens are getting out the vote [Click]

    'Without water we can't grow anything': can small farms survive California's landmark water law? [Click] Interesting that the story doesn’t mention drip irrigation. The photo of a portion of an irrigation system is for a flood irrigation system. I suspect that trees grown with flood irrigation can’t just be switched to drip irrigation, but trees planted with drip irrigation grow incredibly fast.

    1. It often seems authors of articles only know one thing, like flood irrigation, and don't bother doing basic research. It would be difficult for someone making an honest effort to stay informed but didn't already have fairly broad knowledge to make informed decisions.

    2. During our recent great drought the state (probably through University of California Extension, I don't recall) commissioned a study of what the effect of such continued drought would be on agriculture in California. In short, the experts figured that California would continue to be a major agricultural state [we have single counties that produce more than than entire states]. But there would be changes to less thirsty crops and drip irrigation. The change has been underway for quite some time now, but is far from uniform. It seems hard to believe, but they use drip irrigation for row crops such as onions and lettuce now in places where water shortages are pronounced. Some orchards are being used like percolation ponds--flooded deeply when there is an excess of water in the rivers; done carefully, it doesn't seem to harm the orchards at all.

  7. Don’t worry, Just heard on CNN...

    DT says that the coronavirus will “disappear like a miracle.”

    [Root*Center*Son responded: “Haha if only he'd disappear it would be a miracle.”

    Also, DT said he gave the job of coronavirus tsar to VP Pence because "he has nothing else to do anyway." 😂

    1. Might the veep's recently reported development of a presidential campaign organization be reason to make him the fall guy for a coronavirus epidemic?

    2. My question in re Dear Leader: "Where are the alien abductions when we need them?"

    3. Alan, I hadn't heard of Pense's presidential aspirations. Sounds to me like an excellent reason to make him the fall guy for something as potentially catastrophic as Corenavrus.

      Re the aliens: I agree. Wish they'd get here soon!

    4. I have elaborated a rather extensive fantasy of a simulated alien abduction of The Great Orange One.

  8. Odds and ends:
    A new Fox News poll finds Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic field nationally with 31%, followed by Joe Biden at 18%, Mike Bloomberg at 16%, Pete Buttigieg at 12%, Elizabeth Warren at 10% and Amy Klobuchar at 5%.
    For the first time since 2010, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in New Hampshire, WMUR reports.
    A new Commonwealth Fund/NBC News survey finds that 31% of voters were worried about being able to afford their health insurance in the next 12 months, 29% feared they wouldn’t have enough money to pay for out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs, and 32% worried about being able to afford other out-of-pocket costs. Nearly 80% of likely voters said they thought reducing health care costs should be a high priority for the next president.
    Scope of Coronavirus Spread In U.S. Unknown [Click]
    Whistleblower Says Officials Mishandled Coronavirus
    February 27, 2020 By Taegan Goddard

    “Federal health employees interacted with Americans quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus without proper medical training or protective gear, then scattered into the general population, according to a government whistle-blower,” the New York Times reports.
    “Without proper training or equipment, some of the exposed staff members moved freely around and off the bases, with at least one person staying in a nearby hotel and leaving California on a commercial flight. Many were unaware of the need to test their temperature three times a day.”
    Washington Post: “The whistleblower is seeking federal protection because she alleges she was unfairly and improperly reassigned after raising concerns about the safety of these workers to HHS officials, including those within the office of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.”

    I would wonder out loud where and how such an incompetent crew was assembled, but probably their main qualification was fealty to Lord Donald.

  9. I never got here yesterday to post this note. Remember how last year Vermont’s Episcopal Diocese elected a new bishop who is an African American woman?

    Well, since Wil is now working about a block from the Episcopal Cathedral, that’s where we went yesterday to get smudged, at the lunchtime service of Eucharist and Ashes. And Bishop Shannon McVean-Brown presided, so we finally got to experience her ministry first hand. We really like how soft spoken she is. A lovely change was that the Ashes included a little incense, so they smelled wonderful (even hours later!). Interim dean Laura gave a beautiful sermon chock full of images for Lent, too, basically expressing that, while our Lenten cloth is woven of solemnity and prayer and repentance, it includes a thread of joy. She spoke of dance classes she took years ago in Chicago, in which the instructor put them through their paces, but at the end of class, when they were sweaty and spent, she put on the song “Oh Happy Day” and had them interpretive dance to it across the room. The lesson was to always exit in joy. I rather like that concept as we face retirement. The last hymn of the service was a sweet, almost rousing spiritual.
    It was a meaningful to receive a proper blessing from the bishop! 💖

    1. I had a similar experience about 53 years ago, listener; it stays with one.
