Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Sheep


  1. Here’s an exciting article. for you, Cat!

    Oldest material on Earth discovered https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-51099609

    7.5 billion!!!

  2. The internet shows me amazing things I didn't know, beautiful pictures, and it also makes me hate people.

    1. Anything in particular?

      I didn't think I could be shocked by DT's antics anymore, but this did it. I am shocked and furious. And I wanna know why we can't just throw the bum out when he's so horribly racist and crass and cruel.

  3. Nobody has been posting? Really?

    I watched the debate. Some of the commentators afterward thought Warren had the best night but most thought nothing had changed. I agree with the latter view. Butigiegie had a good closing statement (others said Biden did as well), but nothing else was particularly notable.

    1. I agree, Bill. It seemed they didn't want to take any risks so close to the Iowa Caucus. I liked that Bernie and Elizabeth didn't take the media bait and noted that the media was chagrined that they didn't go after each other. Bernie had to defend himself (in the climate of Me Too) and Elizabeth generously didn't want to make a thing of it. I noticed that before they left the stage they went over and talked with each other and it looked like it was as friends.

    2. Any of them would be more capable than the Fool on the Hill. But I still like Bernie and Elizabeth most. I'm not as pleased with Biden or Buttigieg, and I don't really want Klobuchar or Steyer. I think they are both capable in some ways, but Klobuchar is too much a stone in the shoe and I think Steyer would be creamed by the Washington machine.

    3. As for me not posting...I have a ton to do, to get ready for meetings, visitors and throwing a birthday party, among other things. And tonight I single handedly undecorated the Christmas tree because Wil is absolutely swamped with work.

  4. First day of beginning printmaking today, so lots of supplies to purchase; spent time looking for a subject for my first woodcut poster. Also had a consultation with a group of attorneys in the afternoon. Also discussed travel arrangements with an attorney's office in the Lake Tahoe area, where I will presumably be needed in court next Tuesday. Now time to shower, take care of a couple of other things, and update an opinion. I couldn't bring myself to watch the debate, but gather from another source that I consider fairly reliable that is was all rather placid--nobody bombed, nobody had a breakout, everyone was pretty much civil--like listener and Bill say.

    1. "is was all rather placid" should read "IT was all rather placid.

    2. Sounds like a very productive day, Alan!
