Wednesday, October 24, 2018

13: Yellows


  1. Everything Shows a GOP Resurgence Except for the Evidence [Click] By Josh Marshall October 24th, 2018
    Horse race reporting to sell newspapers and TV advertising? Why, who ever heard of such a thing?

    During mail screenings Wednesday morning, the Secret Service found explosive devices en route to the Obamas’ and the Clintons’ homes. Like George Soros on Monday. And CNN NYC offices evacuated because of potential bomb.

  2. Apropos of nothing much: Anybody read The Sea Hawk< by Rafael Sabatini?

    It will be interesting to see if Trump moderates his hate mongering rhetoric at his rally tonight...or not. Can't imagine he would be the least bit sorry if the Clintons and Obamas were blown to kingdom come.

    1. Is that one of the Captain Blood books? I read them a lo-o-o-ng time ago.

    2. By the same author. I don't know offhand if the characters overlap.

  3. Pretty photo. Looks like it should be on a calendar.

    1. Thank-you, Cat! I think that was the nicest, gentlest comment I encountered all day.

  4. Has everybody been following the day's news? YIKES!!

    As I prepared to leave to go pick up little VT granddaughter, CNN was on air reporting that explosive devices were intercepted by the Secret Service, addressed to the Clintons and the Obamas. And while they were on air reporting that, their fire alarm went off because they had found a possible pipe bomb in their mail room. They are now broadcasting from outside their building. Crazy times! THEN we learned that more pipe bombs had been sent and all of them (including to Soros earlier this week) were sent to people whom DT rails against at his rallies.

    So while I'm glad the President and his Press Secretary said many of the right things today, I cannot believe a word of it until I hear what he says at his rally tonight and at future events. I'd also like to hear him actually use the names of those wo were know, as if they might actually be human beings and American citizens and public servants.

    I'm guessing the perpetrators were not liberal Democrats.


    One side has a President repeatedly ramping up racist incitement, attacking the press as the “enemy of the people.” One side has a President who routinely leads cheers about imprisoning political opponents. His congressional supporters accept his rhetoric and now increasingly ape it. One side has a President who routinely fabricates outlandish falsehoods intended to generate outrage, fear and hate. One side has a group of rightist paramilitaries operating in various parts of the country. One side has mass ownership of high capacity firearms as a central part of its political ideology. The same side frequently focuses on private weapons ownership as a hedge against “tyranny”. In other words, they focus on the need to stock firearms for the potential need to use them against government officials and civil servants.

  6. That sure says it, Susan. I have already reposted that!

    "The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone." ~ DT
    Gee, his call for unity didn't last long, did it?

    1. He never, ever takes responsibility for anything. Never has. Never will.

    2. Usually I cannot listen to Chris Cuomo on CNN, as to me he comes across so sensationalist. Not so this evening. His remarks on "Prime Time" at 9pm about this evening's DT Rally in WI were meaningful and worth finding the clip to hear. I don't see it posted at CNN yet, but if I find it, I'll post the link here.

    3. Susan, my mother could never admit that she was wrong about something, and found it nearly impossible to apologise. I think it was because she had one really big guilt in her life that she could never speak of out loud. Somehow that unresolved guilt gummed up the works.

  7. Whomever sent the devices cannot spell.

    Schultz was spelled Shultz

    Brennan was spelled Brenan

    Florida was spelled Florids

    1. Why bother to learn to spell? That's elitist! :P

      Saw where Rep. Maxine Waters got a bomb too. Yep, somebody's paying attention when Trump names his "enemies."

  8. Could the letter bombs be THE October Surprise? Enough to swing some "independents" and mobilize some folks who were going to sit out the election?

  9. I wondered the same thing, Alan.
