Friday, March 16, 2018

She would have turned 90 today

We had the same first name.


  1. $65 Million Already Spent for Illinois Governor’s Race[Click] Gee, Bill—this is something else. But I am reminded of the generally poor voter appeal of other self-funded candidates for high office.


    P.S.: My mom would have been 104 by now, my dad 106. Ah, my.

    1. Pritzker has the endorsement of almost the entire Democratic establishment (the Democratic Party of Oak Park being an exception) and of most unions. This appears to reflect the fact that if he is the candidate they won't have to put their own money into the general election race. And his early ad blitz put him well into the lead, although that has been shrinking. The Tribune has just run an expose about his tax-haven holdings -- wonder how much effect that will have.

  2. Stephen Hawking Was Very Particular About His Tea[Click] Very interesting character insights, plus a bit more about his philosophy/physics/cosmology. Once again I am struck by the similarity to Nagarjuna, although sometimes it could be Vasubandhu—but sometimes it is hard to distinguish between those two, anyway. And I am more attuned to Vasubandhu, so have a tendency to see similarities to his teaching. I don’t think I am seeing things that are not there, though.

    A Cultural Leap at the Dawn of Humanity[Click] “New finds from Kenya suggest that humans used long-distance trade networks, sophisticated tools, and symbolic pigments right from the dawn of our species.” Fascinating, and the author concludes that more information is coming.

    Ancient hanky-panky revealed![Click] “A new study suggests that early humans mated with the mysterious Denisovans in two separate waves.” So, by the old definition of a species, a group that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring, denisovians, neanderthalers and modern humans are/were a single species. QED.


    1. Oh, and that Star Trek cameo of the poker game among Hawking, Einstein, and Newton looks to have been a hoot!


    2. Here is the poker game![Click] I must watch it this evening. I don’t know who or what “Data” is, but presumably the Inner Tubes do.


    3. Data is the android crew member.

    4. Data is such a sophisticated robot that he ensembles a human. One distinction is that while he can reason and problem solve, give an opinion and deduce, he doesn't have emotions and complete free will.

      Yet over the course of the show's seasons, Data gradually becomes more human.


    My interpreter's mother could squat through her mid nineties, when she died. And *she* had bound feet.

  4. From the Washington Post:
    Mueller is peeling back the layers of Trump’s finances[Click] “The secret Seychelles meeting is a mystery, but we know it stinks to high heaven…Leave it to Mueller to uncover what stinks about that secret Seychelles meeting between a Trump donor and a Putin affiliate.”
    PA Dept. of State election totals:
    Lamb 113,813
    Saccone 113,186
    Miller 1,379


    P.S.: An engineer on the project reported to the state that cracks were forming in that pedestrian footbridge that collapsed in Florida--three days before it fell.

  5. puddle, I feel for you with another storm headed your way. Oh my goodness! We are sure going to be glad to get to April!

  6. BREAKING: Marie Newman, challenging conservative Democrat Dan Lipinski in Tuesday's IL-03 primary, has just been endorsed by Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. Although this endorsement is far from decisive, it is enough to give the Newman campaign credibility.
