Bra gjort, Norway! [Well done, Norway!]
Hi, we’re the Aanenson Family, Bjorn and Siggy. We live in Norway and understand that President Donald Trump has extended a warm invitation to us to move to America. After careful deliberation we would like to inform the President of the quality of life we to the Top 10.
The Subjective Happiness Scale...Ranks Norway the highest among Developed Countries, the USA is #14.
Healthcare...Is virtually free, paid by general taxes. A doctor visit is $21 with a maximum out of pocket of $1,817 per year. The quality is excellent and the public satisfaction rate is very high. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is ranked #11, the USA is #38.
Environment...We believe in Global Warming and proudly support the Paris Climate Accords. With 32,000 electric cars, we have the highest rate per capita in the world. Our air and water quality is pristine.
Pension system...All Citizens enjoy a state pension in addition to the private pension plan offered by their employers. Poverty is nonexistent for the elderly.
Education...We spend 6.6% of our GDP on education which provides for the highest level of education in the world. The cost of college is either extremely low or free for most students.
Family friendly workplace...Both the mother and father receive 12 weeks of PAID leave during the first 3 years following childbirth. The work week is 37.5 hours, 6 weeks vacation time and 25 holidays.
Booming Economy...Capitalism is thriving with a robust stock market and low unemployment.
Modern Infrastructure...Roads, bridges, airports, public parks and facilities are very modern and meticulously maintained.
Low crime rate...There are only 4,000 prisoners of the 5,000,000 population...80/100,000 vs USA rate of 721/100,000. The recidivism crime rate is very low because the rehabilitation and skill programs are very progressive. Our government does not allow for profiteering off the plight of prisoners.
Functioning Political Parties...As a Parliamentary Democracy, government business is conducted in a dignified and bipartisan manner.
We want to thank The Donald for his offer.
However, if we ever decide to exchange the lifestyle above for the an opportunity to live in a country lead by an Anti-Climate Change, Anti-Earth, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Public Education, Anti-Union, Anti-Peace Treaty, Ignorant, misogynistic, hate mongering, narcissistic, emotionally crippled, greedy, dictatorial, pathological lying, hard core racist, we’ll let you know.
Stand by!
However, if we ever decide to exchange the lifestyle above for the an opportunity to live in a country lead by an Anti-Climate Change, Anti-Earth, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Public Education, Anti-Union, Anti-Peace Treaty, Ignorant, misogynistic, hate mongering, narcissistic, emotionally crippled, greedy, dictatorial, pathological lying, hard core racist, we’ll let you know.
Stand by!
Gee, who could have known that Norskies would not be desirous of moving to the US? We have bigger moose, after all!
ReplyDeleteTrump, Wolff and The Secret of the Russia Story[Click] Some good perspective, albeit with the occasional typographical error.
Duckworth Rips Trump as a Draft Dodger[Click] “Cadet Bone Spurs;” I love it. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Naomi tells me the whole speech is on YouTube and is very powerful.
I haven’t yet watched this myself, but here’s the link:
SNL Russia Investigation Update[Click] “You gotta understand, the guy didn’t leave me a trail of breadcrumbs. He left me full loaves.”
German Board Games[Click]
Here is the video of Senator Duckworth’s speech.[Click] Quickly glancing at the comments, I saw a great one:
That's good for signs and bumper stickers both.
I appreciated the point of the Wolff article, Alan. Thanks for posting the link!
DeleteGreat sign and a true bumpersnicker! Ha!
A coworker tells me that the number of international students at the local state college was so big a couple of years ago that it was difficult for the photographer to fit them all into a group photo; the largest contingent was Indians, 156 total. Recently the photographer had no trouble at all--the total was far smaller, Indians about 20. He also relates that the English language proficiency tests given by the Canadian consulate for immigrant visa applicants who are not native speakers used to be given in language labs, with individual booths and headphones--there would be at most 20 applicants. Currently the tests are limited to about 200 participants per venue, and must be held in auditoria. There were two sittings in different cities in northern California yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIn the USA:
African immigrants are more educated than most – including people born in US[Click]
In California:
Migrants from countries disparaged by Trump are among California’s best-educated residents[Click]
Yesterday’s Women’s March in Fresno.[Click]
I am in Devin Nunes' congressional district (CA-22). At this time there are three plausible Democratic candidates. I am considering registering as a Democrat to vote for one of them in the primary, but will have to think about it. The frontrunner in donations is a deputy district attorney, and I tend to be prejudiced against the assumption that such prosecutors are the only ones around here who can challenge Republicans. Hmmmm.....maybe I will sign up for the principal Democratic candidates' e-mil lists.
I will be very interested in your evaluation of the Dem candidates. Given the opportunity, I am looking forward to financially supporting a Dem in the general election, but would not necessarily be opposed to throwing some money at the primary as well.
DeleteBill: Here is relevant information on the Dems running against Nunes:
DeleteDistrict registration:
Rep 43%
Dem 33%
Other 24%
Cash on hand:
Nunes $3.6 million
2 leading Dems 40-45 thousand dollars each
Dem Deputy DA has endorsements from three well known liberal representatives from outside the area.
Nunes has won his elections about 2:1 over dems, but the state and national Democratic party organizations generally don’t provide any support for “their” candidate. But current (reputable) polling puts Nunes’ lead at only 50% to 45%. Maybe a big voter registration and turnout effort could bridge that gap in the general.
The three plausible Dems seem pretty generic (listed in order of money raised so far):
1) Andrew Janz[Click]
2) Bobby Bliatout[Click]
3) Ricardo Franco[Click]
Here is an old newspaper article on the field: Five Candidates Meet to Discuss Unseating Nunes[Click]
Thanks, Alan.
DeleteBoth Bilatout and Franco support Medicare for All. I think that lifts them out of the "generic Democrat" category. I'll have to come back tomorrow to check them out more carefully.
Bilatout describes himself as a "Valleycrat," which I suppose is about the same thing as a "Blue Dog Democrat." The last link, the old (April 2017) newspaper article, says that when asked all the candidates present said they would vote for impeachment of Trump--except for Janz, who said he would want to hear the arguments before making up his mind. That strikes me as more reasonable. I will go back and see what he says about healthcare.
Signing up for candidates' lists sounds like a good plan, Alan.
DeleteI see that Janz has the heavier-hitters among his endorsers, and there are no objectionable endorsers for either Janz or Bliatout. Franco talks like what he is--a business school graduate--and I think that business jargon would alienate not only me. He hasn't raised much money, and I expect he will not be a serious challenger. I wrote Janz a letter and will see how the response is.
Not much really new on the leg front. A few quite modest signs of continue improvement.
ReplyDeleteThat's good gnus, Bill. Thanks.
Thanks for the update, Bill. Keep 'em coming.
DeleteI hope the trend continues.
Nothing political today. Just wondering why, as I grow old, my fingernails turn into potato chips and my toenails turn into rhino horn.
ReplyDeleteActuals, Susan, this can be caused by a fungus. My dear husband (Wil) has the issue and uses a medication his doc recommended. Interested?
DeleteSign at the San Francisco Women's Day March:
later, and more ambiguously:
Called the kid Friday night to find out if he was going to be involved in this shut down (was in the last one), but he's moved up the secrecy scale, and is now needed.
ReplyDeleteI suppose that could be a mixed blessing, but paychecks, and timely ones at that, are definitely good.
They're not paying anyone during the shutdown, though. Just making them work. They'll get back pay later, but it's sure rough on people who live paycheck to paycheck!
DeleteBreaking news from Washington Post:
ReplyDeleteSenate adjourns for the night without deal to end government shutdown; vote postponed until noon Monday.