Tuesday, September 19, 2017

There be Pirates here!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it certainly is! Individual models for brain tumors seems less scary than mechanical extraction of clots...


    2. In 1978, one week after our 4th child was born, our midwife was going to come to lunch with her husband. They never arrived. Instead, she was singing in church that morning and collapsed...when an unknown aneurysm burst. So they were at the hospital in Charlottesville, where the head of surgery was called out from behind his desk to perform a very delicate surgery. The aneurysm was down at the base of her brain, and the only way to perform the surgery was with an electron microscope, during which the doctor sees everything upside-down. She lives today and is a wonderful nurse and midwife.

  2. It be talk like a Pirrrrate Deyyy. Yarrrr!

  3. Ohhh myyy, what a day it be. DT mouthin' off at de UN, Mexico seized with a 7.1 earthquake, and Jose and Marrrria messing' up the waters! It be enough ta make a pirate spit and draw sword!

  4. On topic for once, courtesy of Keith over at Medium:

    A pirate walks into a bar and the thing about this pirate is he has a steering wheel shoved down the front of his pants. You just have to picture that.

    The pirate sits down and orders a beer. The bartender just tries to ignore the whole thing, but let’s face it, a pirate with a steering wheel shoved down the front of his pants is hard to ignore.

    So the bartender politely says “Excuse me sir, I don’t wish to intrude, but sir do you realize you have a steering wheel shoved down the front of your pants?”

    “AAARRRGGHHH” says the pirate, “and it be drivin me nuts.”

    *duck and run*

  5. Tonight, I saw a clip on PBS about Rebecca Rusch, whose father left for Vietnam when she was 3 years old. He died when his plane was shot down over Laos, as he was on a bombing run. She returned to Laos recently, and bicycled 1200 miles of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to where her father's plane went down. She met a man who witnessed the crash, and witnessed his father bury her father. She was able to take home fragments of his plane. She was also able to really connect with the people there and was amazed that they received her so warmly. She was surprised how much still remains there of the 250 million bombs we dropped, from fragments (some made into spoons) to large shell covers (now fashioned into boats!) to huge craters and pockmarks all across their landscape (even now). The last letter her father sent home told of how he did not like what he was having to do. He could not see at all how it was a good thing to be doing. His letter ends with two words to his daughters: "Be Good." Rebecca is now working with the village people of Laos to take pieces of the broken bombs and fashion them into jewelry (such as a silver coloured bracelet) bearing the words "Be Good" in her father's handwriting, and the Laos translation in her own handwriting. This helps to diversify their income and contributes money to a group that is trying to find and deactivate the 80 million unexploded bombs still littering Laos. ( !!! )

    Isn't that brilliant? To see more about it, here are two links:

    Story: https://www.redbull.com/us-en/blood-road-film-rebecca-rusch-announcement

    Website: https://shop.article22.com/products/rebecca-rusch-bangle

  6. I went looking for a Roman pirate joke, but couldn't locate one quickly. Perhaps this will do.--Alan
    This sailor met a pirate in a bar, and the sailor couldn't help but notice that the pirate was pretty badly the worse for wear. He had a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch.

    So, the sailor asked the pirate how he got the peg leg, and the pirate answered, "Well mate, I got washed up overboard one night while we were in a fierce storm. and dern me if a shark didn't go and bite off me leg."

    Then the sailor asked, "So, how'd you get the hook?" and the pirate answered, "Well, we was in a fierce fight while boarding a ship one time, and that's when I got me hand cut off."

    Finally, the sailor asked, "So, how'd you get the eye patch?" and the pirate responded, "A seagull pooped in me eye."

    "You mean to tell me you lost an eye just because a seagull pooped in it?"

    "Well, it was the first day with me hook..."

  7. A string walks into a bar with a few friends and orders a beer. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve strings here."

    The string goes back to his table. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair. He walks back up to the bar and orders a beer.

    The bartender squints at him and says, "Hey, aren't you a string?"

    The string says, "Nope, I'm a frayed knot."

  8. Sorry, can't do pirates again. (both hokes hilarious)

    many thanks for the birthday wishes, and the lovely cake!
