Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Like a 1960s School Kid

TIME/LIFE article:

Man who burned a hole in his retina (in 20 seconds!) while peering at an eclipse as a teen


  1. Well, I sure hope that teacher has on safe eclipse viewing glasses. I can't tell from the photo, but he's sure looking up in the direction of the sun.

  2. I thought the same thing, Susan!!

  3. John Kasich: We're all rooting for Trump to 'get it together'
    No, John. Most of us are rooting for Congress to 'get it together' and invoke the 25th!

  4. Via

    “You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill.”
    — An unnamed White House staffer to Mike Allen, on why many Trump aides are not resigning despite their disappointment.

    Well, I guess that's honorable--as well as material for tell-it-alls later on.



    from the article: "Trump resigned the presidency already — if we regard the job as one of moral stewardship, if we assume that an iota of civic concern must joust with self-regard, if we expect a president’s interest in legislation to rise above vacuous theatrics, if we consider a certain baseline of diplomatic etiquette to be part of the equation.

    By those measures, it’s arguable that Trump’s presidency never really began. By those measures, it’s indisputable that his presidency ended in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon, when he chose — yes, chose — to litigate rather than lead, to attend to his wounded pride instead of his wounded nation and to debate the supposed fine points of white supremacy.

    He abdicated his responsibilities so thoroughly and recklessly that it amounted to a letter of resignation. Then he whored for his Virginia winery on the way out the door.

    Trump knew full well what he should have done, because he’d done it — grudgingly and badly — only a day earlier. But it left him feeling countermanded, corrected, submissive and weak, and those emotions just won’t do for an ego as needy and skin as thin as his. So he put id before country and lashed out, in a manner so patently wrong and transcendently ruinous that TV news shows had to go begging for Republican lawmakers to defend or even try to explain what he’d said."

    Honestly this was such a striking read I had a hard time choosing which parts to share.


    From the article: "These are not normal times.

    The man in the White House is reckless and unmanageable, a danger to the Constitution, a threat to our democratic institutions.

    Last week some of his worst qualities were on display: his moral vacuity and his disregard for the truth, as well as his stubborn resistance to sensible advice. As ever, he lashed out at imaginary enemies and scapegoated others for his own failings. Most important, his reluctance to offer a simple and decisive condemnation of racism and Nazism astounded and appalled observers around the world.
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    With such a glaring failure of moral leadership at the top, it is desperately important that others stand up and speak out to defend American principles and values. This is no time for neutrality, equivocation or silence. Leaders across America — and especially those in the president’s own party — must summon their reserves of political courage to challenge President Trump publicly, loudly and unambiguously.

    Enough is enough."

  7. Excellent articles, Susan. Thank you.

    What we need, though, is for Congress to invoke the 25th and get this morally bereft man out of the White House (preferably Administration and all).

  8. That NYT piece IS rather forceful, isn't it?

    Confederate veterans’ memorials hereabouts.[Click]


  9. Good heavens—a second 7th Fleet destroyer collides with a civilian ship[Click] And of course Trump's initial response is decidedly inadequate.

