Friday, July 21, 2017

The Tea Cart

I got this tea cart off Craigslist and refinished it as a surprise for son Robin. 


  1. Replies
    1. I belly-laughed over your chest hair comment! :-D

    2. Oh, Lordy!


      P.S.: Extremely exhaustifying day, coupled with terrific hay fever attack yesterday for the company; called in sick today on account of it.

    3. Puddle, thanks for the laugh. Of course, my mind being the gutter that it is, that got me to pondering anatomically correct Santa dolls, which only made me laugh harder. Since today has been a bit rocky, the laugh was most welcome.

    4. Alan, hoping you feel better soon♥

  2. Notes on the last post for listener.

    1. I'm eager for today's update. Apparently our eyes don't have the same system of nerves as the rest of the body, so one doesn't feel pain the same in the eyes. That doesn't mean it's all right in there. Blisters there cannot be good. I'm just hoping they caught it fast enough and are treating it aggressively enough that you fully recover. Sending all kinds of good vibes and high hopes, with prayers ensuing. ✨💖✨

  3. OOPS!
    Exxon Fined $2 Million for Violating Russia Sanctions While Tillerson Was CEO [Click] The Treasury Department says the company “demonstrated reckless disregard” for sanctions requirements.

    And fingers crossed for Susan.


    1. Thanks, Alan! Nice to see we still have a Justice department, despite a disastrous Administration!

    2. LOL OOPS!

      That reminds me, Mum told me a day or two ago that the Cheeto in Chief delivered himself of the pronouncement that he never would have chosen Sessions for AG had he known Sessions would uphold the Constitution.

      Heavens to Murgatroyd! Just fancy that, upholding the Constitution of the United States rather than the whims of the Donald? What a shock that must have been to the poor dear. :P

  4. Okay, Doc says the blister is receding, but he still wants to see me again next Friday to make sure it's not going into the interior of the eye. I read that only 1% to 2% of people ever get shingles in the eye. I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THAT LOTTERY TICKET!

    1. That is very good news, Susan! (I like your doc!! Specialists are usually super good at what they do.) If he keeps you on the antiviral, I think you'll see it getting better and better this coming week. Yes, we both ought to play the Lottery! Hahaa!! Only 25% of people who get Chickenpox go on to develop Shingles. Only 1-2% of those get it in the eye. They used to say that less than 1% get recurring shingles, but that number is growing for some reason. Interestingly, if you weed out the people who have an underlying condition that weakens their immune system (such as AIDS or cancer), the number is still very small. Just lucky I guess, eh? Ha!

    2. Glad it's getting better and hope for continued improvement.

    3. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery♥

    4. Good news indeed! We had the shingles vaccine, but it is both the most expensive and least effective major vaccine--I think it only prevents shingles about 2/3 of the time, but is thought to decrease the severity of cases and the probability of chronic shingles. But our insurance covered it.


    5. The Shingles Vaccine helps 26% of the people and is considered 51% effective. It is indeed pricey, though insurance typically covers it after age 60. In my case, my insurance was delighted to pay 100% of it way before age 60. (Much cheaper for them than $250/month for the antiviral!) So I waited until I was feeling quite fine and went off the antiviral. You have to be off it for 3-6 weeks before you can have the vaccine as it's a live vaccine and the antiviral will only kill it. I made it a whole three days before I got Shingles again. Sigh.

  5. Andrew Marvel wrote a poem called "The Garden" which I first read in high school. That poem contains a couplet that I wanted to print on a big poster and hang on the outside of my bedroom door. Unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately? - that was not possible. But it has remained my all time favorite quotation.

    Two paradises t'were in one
    To live in Paradise alone.

    Throughout my growing up years, Mum had a Peanuts plaque prominently displayed in the kitchen. It showed the famously crabby Lucy proclaiming:

    I HATE people!!

    D'ya figure Schultz was a fan of Marvel? In any case, I am in full and hearty agreement with the sentiment.

    Present company excluded, of course♥

  6. On FB there's a page called It's Always Time For Tea. Sis turns her nose up at it of course, claiming it's tacky, which it is a little. But it sometimes posts pretty pictures and links to interesting articles. Listener's tea cart reminded me of that...and of a nice, relaxing cup of tea.

  7. Feeling much better after a good night's sleep (one more needed) and a nap. One side job became much easier after discussion with the client. No need for a formal opinion (those are time-consuming to do well), and the deposition has been moved from Sacramento to Modesto (much closer for me). And for political news:

    Sessions lied--and then lied again. [Click] Isn't it about time members of the administration began to make an end of it all? Then again, razors are sharp and rivers are damp…

    Sean Sppicer quits, NS [Click] is replaced by a gibberish machine. [Click]


    1. And it took everybody a week to notice the difference, right?

      Glad you're feeling better and the work load has become lighter.

    2. Hurrah for feeling better! I hope this coming week is one where we all feel better and the weather finally cools off a bit here, with lower humidity. Yeah!!

  8. I wonder sometimes exactly what is the world der turnip lives in? One where he can change the constitution at a whim. and pardon himself. To begin to find out at 70 how very little you know, have ever known, about anything. And all kinds of people just laugh at you.

    1. It is a scary thought, isn't it?

    2. AFAIK, Trump can pardon himself. Of course that would have no effect on the impeachment process beyond telling people there surely must be fire somewhere.

    3. Where did the "pardon himself" bit come from? I missed that.

      As for DT living in a different world, my good wife and I often make the observation that it is strange there are so few normal people around, like us! Followed by a good laugh. We are pretty sure that the distribution of subjects we chat about over breakfast is uncommon. For her sake I generally avoid discussing parasitology during meals and horrid crimes and misadventures almost always. I think I can reasonably assume DT's breakfast chit-chat would be bizarre by our standards.


    4. Oh, I found the "pardon himself" stories.

