Thursday, February 23, 2017

Must be because they were Canadian. 😉

This pair of Cedar Waxwings was traveling with a large flock of Canadian Robins.


  1. My apologies for this posting late. I seem to have missed a day when setting the posts!

  2. Once again the DCCC woke me up at 9:30 a.m. I guess they don't realize that there are actually people who don't go to bed until 3 A.M. I hung up on them the first time and THEY CALLED BACK. I told them I left the Democratic Party and to take my name and number off their list. They annoy me almost past all bearing.

    1. Good for you telling them to lay off. It's definitely your phone, not theirs.
      At night, I turn down the sound on my phone unless I need to hear an alarm that morning. The only difficulty is remembering to turn it back up again in the morning. 🙃 But it saves being woken up by doctors' offices reminding me of a visit I already knew about and didn't need a reminder about. I even got woken up one morning by a TEXT from my dentist's office reminding me about an appointment I had just made the day before...! I have since managed to "text STOP to end text calls" from the dentist. So far the Dems and others don't know my cell phone number. We ended our landline last year, and with it all the Dem calls. 😉
      Technology is mostly great, but there are aspects I could really do without, too.

    2. Telemarketers and other assorted scum have discovered my cell number but, knock on wood, the Dem Party and its octopus arms haven't yet done so.

  3. ‘Demonic activity was palpable’ at Trump’s rally, pastor says[Click] Gee…

    There’s no arguing that the Nazarenes are not conservative Protestants.


    1. I have to wait until next week to read anything from the Washington Post, as I used up my free articles a week ago. I used to have an online subscription and rarely ever used it. Ironic.

    2. Was able to read the article here:

      I found that man's experience creepy, and the article reads a little forced. But is it really any different from any Trump rally prior to his election? The religious fervour aspect is unsettling. I have signed up for a free webinar with N.T. Wright about this issue, actually. Check this out:

      His premise is that the real message of Christianity and the cross are being co-opted for political reasons. I want to hear what he has to say. I'm bracing for a fairly fundamentalist treatment of the whole matter, but N.T. Wright is a retired bishop and a fair and stellar author, so I'm hopeful of something worthy in it, too.

    3. * Make that: "retired Anglican bishop" ~ (which could help)

    4. listener--download and install a different browser and you can probably get another ration of stories from newspapers with a free number per month firewall. They know how many you have read because they have a cookie on your computer that is linked to your browser. Different browser = different customer their computer thinks.


  4. Trumpy Voodoo[Click] Make Voodoo Dolls Great Again! Hmmmm....wonder if they would deliver one to the White House...or Mike Pence? Or Mitch McConnell? or...

    —Alan (who needs to get moving…due in court in 55 minutes. (But I reviewed what I needed to review on the plane down.)

  5. Things are getting so bad out in the world I'm freaking out. I have to take refuge in gossip sites and Amazon and Etsy to preserve even a little equilibrium. Republican-led states are making it a crime to protest and giving police the right to seize your assets if the protest gets violent. I cannot remember a time when so much evil was going on. The Congress seems to be okay with it because they're not making any protests and even the ACLU is pretty quiet. The GOP is stealing our Constitutionally-guaranteed right to speak our minds.

    "Freedom is when the people can speak. Democracy is when the government listens." Well, they're not listening any more and they're not really "allowing" us to speak either.

    1. I hear you! Add to that the passengers on a domestic flight being made to show Border Patrol their papers before they can deplane! The flight was from San Francisco to New York, not international! They were allegedly looking for someone, who turned out to not be on the flight. People complied to avoid a hassle. Sigh. Precedent set. One man, realizing a minute too late questioned their authority to do so after the fact, and all they could give him were the rules for an international flight.

    2. Susan, add Pinterest to your repretoire. It's such a pleasant way to catalogue idears! Have you tried it?

  6. I got a survey tonight from my Republican Rep, questions about ACA, guns, jobs (coal or other?) asked age/sex and gave website and congressional phone number. I'm kinda impressed.

  7. Susan, Cat, everyone--just a quick note; my return flight will start boarding shortly.

    I have been mightily offended by The Great Mango calling Senator Warren "Pocahontas." Expect you have been too. It would be beneath her dignity to respond in kind; but today I had an inspiration; it is just necessary to start spreading the nickname, and this is the first step. You folks probably have a lot greater multiplier via Facebook and such sites than I do. Here's my idea for his nickname: "Tweetie." As in the cartoon canary.

    I think I will use the nickname in at least some of my 3/15 postcards. Bought another five today, for a total of fifteen--seems appropriate.


    1. Except that it maligns a cute, harmless little bird, that's a brilliant inspiration, Allan! Adopting and spreading starting now.

  8. Another quick note--listener, cedar waxwings out here do the same thing.

    And I wonder if I can or should print a copy of Tweetie Bird on my postcards...probably shouldn't, it is surely copyrighted. But little Tweetie stickers? I will research that.


    1. 1) I misspelled the name; it's Tweety Bird. But DT can be Tweetie.

      2) I found 42 Tweety Bird stickers for $8.50, free shipping, at Walmart. But I don't do business with Walmart as a matter of principle, and having seen them, I thought that use would demean Tweety.


    2. So cool about the birds who flock together with a different feather. PhD*Son says they are usually about the same size and eat the same diet. Even a single bird, who became separated from its flock, is welcomed in another flock. The more the merrier in a flock, as there are more eyes to watch for predators.

  9. Alan, Tweety is a nickname for Chris Mathews (friendly--his staff/hair color).

    1. I always thought it had to do with head shape too...more noticeable in cartoons of him.
