Thursday, November 03, 2016

Snow on the Mountain


  1. But Wayne, Valentino, and Oceno’s research, conducted in June, found hostility toward women was a major factor, predicting support for Trump more strongly than authoritarian attitudes and about as well as racial prejudice. The political scientists used a four-question survey to determine sexist attitudes, asking if people agreed with the following statements:
    Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist.
    Many women are actually seeking special favors, such as hiring policies that favor women over men, under the guise of asking for equality.

    The survey also asked how strongly respondents supported Clinton or Trump. The higher they were on the sexism scale, the more likely they were to support Trump and the less likely they were to support Clinton. Hostile sexism was nearly as good at predicting support for Trump as party identification was.

    Sexism — and particularly anti-feminism — isn’t politically neutral. Many conservative women have come forward to say they’re horrified by Donald Trump, but sexism has been correlated with support for other Republican candidates as well. In studies of voters in 2008 and 2012, traditional beliefs about gender and hostility toward feminism were also linked to much lower support for Hillary Clinton.

    1. And yet, the one open Trump supporter I have encountered -- my haircutter -- is a woman. She's mention his vies on immigration, but I think it's mostly the same feeling that the establishment doesn't care about ordinary people that fuels Bernie supporters. "We need a change," she says.

    2. Bill, you hit on something that has perplexed me from the start. So many Trump supporters would seem to be natural Bernie supporters. Why would Working Class folks, fallen on hard times, struggling to readjust or even survive in the new global economy etc., etc. support some billionaire businessman who has a horrible labor record, both with unions and with non-unionized workers? What would make any normal, halfway rational person think Trump knew or cared or would do anything at all to help them? Misogyny, racism and xenophobia are strong cards, but I have been utterly shocked at how strong they have been, how wide their appeal has extended. Trump supporters would rather vote for a hate monger than for a candidate who might improve their lives? It's terrifying.

    3. Bill, THIS:

      "found hostility toward women was a major factor, predicting support for Trump more strongly than authoritarian attitudes and about as well as racial prejudice. "

  2. Congratulations, Bill! Chicago must be going crazy today. I think we can safely say the curse of the billy goat has been lifted.

    I'm sorry the Cubs had to play another team that has had a long drought. My condolences, Susan. The Indians fought the good fight. 8 to 7 in ten innings was bravely done. Maybe next year.

    1. I'm not one to follow the sports news, but no matter who was playing, that is a very impressive baseball score. Heck, I don't think it wouldn't be a bad score in soccer!


    2. LOL Alan. Soccer scores tend to be more along the lines of 1 - 0.

    3. Ah, my cultural deprivation manifests itself once again! I know that basketball games tend to very high scores! I saw some speculation in the tech news the other day that cell phone apps are likely to be replaced by bots (?!?). so maybe I will just skip right over the former! And I never did like the idea of my refrigerator, thermostat and door lock getting into cahoots with one another...



  3. Got my Social Security straightened out this morning--I hope! My first disbursement was supposed to be last Wednesday, but it hadn't happened; online and phone inquires were not effective. The nice young lady who helped me at the local office figured out that there had been a programming error four years and four months ago. Today she undid the error; after the computers update overnight, she will do it right, then check on Monday to see if it took, and if so order it to disburse the loot. On Tuesday that should be confirmed, and she will give me a phone call about the status. Whew! I was starting to catastrophize.


  4. Antidote to current hysteria based on polls [Click]
    Click on "Jim Messina" link at the very beginning to get the (very worthwhile!) complete column. The good campaigns have moved WAY beyond conventional polling, to very detailed data on individuals, which conventional polls are incapable of doing.


    1. Ooops! This link should work: Antidote to current hysteria based on polls [Click]


    2. The probelm, Alan, is that THEY have that information. WE don't. And they're not going to give it to us. Bastards.
