Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Keeping Warm?


  1. Yep, flannel pajamas and electric blanket. And clear air!


    1. It's turned very pleasant here after several cool days. I wore a light jacket when I went to the Disability Parade committee meeting last night but found I didn't really need ti.

  2. I see this morning that Al Gore is hitting the campaign trail for HRC, who figures he will be a hit with Millennials because climate change is one of his issues and he can argue that he lost the Presidency because of votes for Ralph Nader. But as memory serves me, he was very quick to concede Florida and then tried to backpedal from his concession. Also, he is a prototypical "New Democrat," which is exactly what many people old, young, and in-between think is NOT needed. I don't think he will help matters very much. He isn't a very magnetic personality, either. He might be a little more effective than sending out the Ramones on an "HRC Victory Tour," but not much IMO. But you all know I have an attitude.


    1. Well, I have an attitude also. Al Gore is about as exciting as a slice of stale white bread. He has been so uninvolved in politics for so long he kind of feels like the Ghost of Christmas Past.

    2. It looks to me like a desperate reflex from someone in "Does Not Compute! Does Not Compute!" mode. I stick by my my assertion that it is likely more effective than sending the Ramones out on tour, all of them being dead, and all that...

      At this point, I am simply leaving my "Bernie 2016" bumper sticker on my car. I am pretty sure I will be voting for Gloria La Riva next week (as a pure protest vote), but have not sent her any love. I'm already on her e-mail list, so I guess there is nothing to be gained by not sending her a little something.


  3. Re previous thread…

    Bill--I figure abolishing the death penalty in California is a no-brainer .

    Cat--You and I are on the same page with respect to charter vs public schools.


  4. This commentary on the VP from the Tribune is interesting. Winners, losers from the vice presidential debate Especially notable is that winners included Orioles vs. Blue Jays on TV. And it appears that Tim Kaine didn't learn from Donald Trump's performance that interrupting your opponent is a mistake.

    1. Exactly. Because when you're constantly interrupting it means you're not really listening to the other person - you're just impatient for "your turn" to speak.

    2. It also comes across as defensiveness, as in "Methinks thou dost protest too much."

      And for the record, while I love the concept of charter schools, they really haven't panned out to have their act together.

  5. Latest polls:

    Ohio: Clinton 44%, Trump 42%, Johnson 5% (Monmouth)

    New Mexico: Clinton 46%, Trump 33%, Johnson 14% (SurveyUSA)

    Ohio: Clinton 44%, Trump 42%, Johnson 8% (Anzalone)

    Texas: Trump 45%, Clinton 38%, Johnson 4% (Dixie)


    1. Are those numbers close enough to be within the margin of error? As always, numbers like that spook me and start me doubting myself. But t his time I'm not going to cave in. This time I'm gonna vote for Stein.

      *Yeah. Famous last words. :P*

    2. I haven't actually seen the margin of error numbers, but I'm confident that the Ohio numbers are within the margin and the New Mexico and Texas numbers are not.

      IIRC, the HuffPost analysis gave Ohio to Trump, so this is bad news fro him.

  6. Good evening! I'm running on low battery, due to a mean jellybean of a cold. It's just a cold and a Grammie cold at that (got it from my little local grands), so I'm pretty sure I'll survive. ;-)

    I've been watching Hurricane Matthew's progress in the Carribean. That's one scary storm, and I have loved ones in harm's way. A few left and one decided to stay. She's 25 miles inland, but also near the place where the, likely Category 4, hurricane is expected to graze the coast or even make landfall. I'll be glad when it's over and done!
