Sunday, October 09, 2016

Hobbit House?


  1. Bungled link; try again:

    And two from elsewhere:

    Leonard Pitts Jr.: Where will Trump's believers go when he implodes? [Click]

    Weed Will Win Big in November [Click] Maybe Trump's supporters could take up smoking weed? That would probably do them, society and the economy good. Just saying'.--Alan

  2. Blogger has now twice eaten my first post, so let it be enough that there are a number of posts at [Click] continuing yesterday's theme. The best of all is:

    “The first set of questions at Sunday night’s presidential debate will be about Donald Trump’s vulgar comments on a newly published 2005 videotape, and the fallout from it,” CNN reports.

    “And Hillary Clinton will get the first question.”


  3. One of the reasons I would hesitate to put a Socialist Rifle Association bumper sticker on my car:

    Bakersfield: the parallel-universe town where Donald Trump is still surging [Click]

    And on a completely different and far better note:
    The girl in the cave: how a search for my former hermit's cell led to the old me [Click]


  4. It occurs to me that it is about time for a political cartoon showing the Trumptanic sinking as the politicians on board fight to get into the (inadequate) lifeboats. Hmmmmm....Maybe there could be Democratic sharks and other assorted sea monsters circling in the water...


  5. Alan--lovely to have you here ('cause I don't think I tol' you before).

    1. Why thank you, puddle; I count myself fortunate for this meeting place of friends.


  6. Yes, I have some concerns if /when Trump loses. His supporters have already shown they are willing to be violent. They have attacked people at his rallies and also just on the street. I have read various threats of them using the second Amendment against their "foes" - which would be far too many of us. If we do not have civil unrest I will be amazed. But I also know that it is still possible that Hillary could lose. If not, her supporters would not be so hysterical. They know it too, and it's scaring the crap out of them. At this point I feel just as I did during the Dubya "Presidency". We are all in the backseat of a car with a VERY drunk driver at the wheel who won't slow down, won't stop and won't listen.

    1. Yes, Susan, for some time I've been far more worried about Trump supporters if he loses than if he wins.

  7. Here's an article from Politico that caught my eye last night:

    Republican women are done with Trump - Click

    1. Alex Smith, the first female president of the College Republican National Committee, tweeted, “The Party of Lincoln is not a locker room, and there is no place for people who think it is."

      To call it locker room banter is patent, and on its face sexist, nonsense. I have been in locker rooms and have never heard the like.--Alan

  8. Listener, did you have a peaceful and productive time at your meeting in Northampton? (Meeting might not be quite the right word, but you know what I mean.)

    1. While I didn't learn anything new, it was a nurturing time: an experience of contemplative history, personal story, humour, deep trust, openness and joy. At the end of the time, one person who came asked if I would be her spiritual guide, and whether I could do so via Skype. She is a person who speaks from authenticity and with a wonderful sense of humour, so I said Sure.

      It was so good to be able to make the drive to and from with Mah*Sweetie, too!


    C-SPAN just announced that DT held a "news conference" via Facebook with 4 women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct...just 9 minutes before tonight's debate.

    We need 100's of Thousands of people outside the debate site chanting:


    1. Listener, this crap of Trump's apparently started yesterday. According to the BBC he's been re-tweeting material by a woman, Broderick I think her name is, who accused BC of raping her when he was running for Gov. She claims HRC threatened her after BC raped her. And apparently, now he has assembled several women who were allegedly molested by BC. I don't quite see the point. Does he mean to indicate that since BC is a rapist (sik) what he himself says and does is acceptable?

      I notice though that this hwhole sordid mess was very conveniently timed to distract attention from Wikileaks release of HRC's secret Wall Street speaches.

    2. I have no idea what the "Republicans" ARE smoking, but whatever it is, it ought to be a big improvement if they were to take up with Mary Jane.


  10. So what does everybody think about the debate? I didn't watch but off and on followed the Tribune's semi-live description/commentary. Overall impression was that Trump probably held his base but didn't win over anybody new. And find myself wondering how he was so successful in the primary debates.

  11. Taegan Goddard's take on the second presidential debate. [Click] Excerpts:

    "This debate should be seen as Trump’s official divorce from the Republican party."

    "Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper were also excellent moderators. If you ever need a moderator for a dumpster fire, they’re the ones to choose."

    Trump Unleashes at Debate, Tells Clinton She'll "Be in Jail" If He Wins

    "In what was dubbed by numerous commentators as a nearly unbearable spectacle to witness—with Politico describing it as the "ugliest debate ever" and Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi declaring that "having a railroad spike driven through my foot would be more enjoyable than watching this"—Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump debated in a town hall-style event Sunday night."

    Robert Reich's Top Ten Wishlist for After Election Day May Not Be So Farfetched

    Glad I missed it….



  12. The first post-debate polls are coming in, and once again, viewers are declaring Hillary Clinton the winner. CNN/ORC:

    Hillary Clinton: 57

    Donald Trump: 34


    Hillary Clinton: 47

    Donald Trump: 42

    1. I do wonder if Republicans are capable of realizing that HRC is not just someone they can work with, but is actually a moderate Republican? Or are they so far removed from the Republican Party of my youth that they have no concept of what the party used to stand for? Back in the days when the Episcopal Church was called "The Republican Party at prayer." Yeah, that WAS a long time ago; they probably can't find their way home again.


  13. Elsewhere I blog, someone asked the same question, and was responded to by a whippersnapper: How old ARE you? No such creature as a moderate Republican had ever been observed in his time on earth, lol!

  14. It seemed to me that Anderson Cooper sat on his hands a lot, so to speak, and let Martha Raddatz be in charge. She did well, though I think one of my favorite parts was when Martha began debating with DT. LOL! He was rhetorically asking WHY the USA doesn't do everything stealth in Iraq, etc., rather than saying in advance where they are going to attack. Martha Radiate made a brief attempt to explain why things are done that way..such as to give the innocent time to leave the area.
