Monday, September 05, 2016

Left-handed Rosie! Hurrah for Labor Day!


  1. The first and the third are the same--mea culpa. But there are quite a few others to see along the way.


  2. Paul Krugman is crying about the media covering Trump more than Hillary. Of course it didn't bother him when the media gave Bernie almost zero coverage. But now it's Hillary's turn to be slighted and he's all weepy about it. For one thing she hasn't done anything public or newsworthy. She mostly only goes to *private* high-dollar fund-raisers. And when she *does* get media coverage what does she talk about? Trump. As in, "I'm not Trump". Yeah, we know that.

    1. I noticed that too, Susan, and put it aside to think about how or whether to respond. Paul put his money on an obviously lame horse, and it isn't running well. He should have stuck to writing about economic issues--like how capitalism NEEDS to have profits recycled through the economy in order to survive. Can't say as I feel much sympathy for him.


  3. We made it there and back again! :-)

    Photos will be forthcoming in coming days. In fact, the Fam gave me a spiffy new camera as an early birthday gift, just so I could take it with me on the trip. It's SWEET!! It's the Lumix DMC-ZS50 camera by Panasonic, which features something like 16megapixels and a great zoom. The zoom doesn't appear to get as close as my Sony camera, but oh my goodness the difference when you crop! With the old zoom it's what you see is what you get. But the new zoom will crop and enlarge! The camera also has some great features such as super fast focus, and a setting to take a photo through glass. I'm still getting the hang of it, and you will have the benefit of it! :-)

    Wherever we stopped today we thanked the people who were working. Most were getting holiday pay, but one woman in a convenience store told us she was not.

    More when I've slept! :-)

    1. Welcome home, listener. We have a Lumix too, and although we don't do anything fancy with it, it is a dandy camera. I disremember at the moment how one tells, but there are two zooms--the optical zoom, followed by a digital zoom. When you get into the digital zoom range the sharpness decreases.


      P.S.: I left you a note on the September first thread about another fountain pen I am trying .
