Saturday, August 20, 2016

Vet Checkup Today x 2. =^. .^= Wish us luck! =^. .^=


  1. Bernie and Zephyr are First!

    Is everyone sleepy today? :-) (I am!)

    1. I am afflicted with torpor. A lot of smoke here from fires in the mountains, and sensitive people (that's me all over!) are cautioned to stay inside if possible. Night before last the moon rose yellow as a pumpkin, and yesterday the sun was dark red as it was setting. We can't see the mountains today. I have a bunch of paperwork that is overdue, and figure to get it done today and tomorrow.


    2. We have the same malady, Alan. My near neighbours know that, should they be planning a bonfire, I need to know so that I can leave for the evening. When we had the smoke from Canadian fires a few years back, we saw that yellow moon and red setting sun. There was a brown-gray tinge to the horizon and for a few days, even the sky overhead seemed dimmed. Worst of all was the smell of the smoke, and knowing there were particles in the air. We don't have A/C, either, so it was hard to keep all the windows and doors shut and just live in stagnant air. I had to go to the car and get the A/C going and go be at the Library or somewhere with A/C because it filtered out the smoke particles and I could breathe well for awhile. In our case, it didn't last more than a week or so. I hope the fires are out soon!!!

    3. Pardon my poor attempt at humor, listener. My torpor is simply from too much work, and allusion to my thoroughly sensitive nature was also intended as a humorous exaggeration. No breathing problems in our house. But the air quality here can be a problem for some people. The San Joaquin Valley is like a big bathtub; the prevailing winds push whatever is in the air down towards the closed southern end, and inversion layers form, trapping the air and whatever is in it. I have hopes that the air will be cleared up some day, because I remember how awful it was in the Santa Clara [AKA"Silicon"] Valley back in the 1960's; physically it is jst like the San Joaquin Valley but much smaller. The lengths the authorities are going to to clean up the air are considerable. For instance, when we recently replaced a water heater, I discovered that in this area it had to be certified to emit ultra low levels of oxides of nitrogen. Orchard cuttings are no longer burned, dust suppression measures are extensive, wood burning stoves and fireplaces can only be used on certain days in the winter, winery emissions must be captured just like from gas stations, etc., etc. Diesel exhaust they are working on. And one can see signs of the bullet train railway construction here and there. Of course the right-wing anti-everything types are fighting it tooth and nail (and nastiness).


  2. The kitties did GREAT!!! We had antiphonal chanting from the back seat all the way there, like a long Psalm of lament. There were BIG dogs in the tiny waiting room, so we set the cat carriers atop chairs and stood in front of the chairs until the big dogs left. Both kitties are super healthy! Clear lungs and strong hearts!! YAYYYY!!! Given their very ill beginnings, that's extremely good news! :-) They are now rabies-safe for three more years. Much quieter ride home somehow. =^. .^= =^. .^=

  3. For some reason it took three tries, but I got my voter registration changed back from Democratic to Green. The first two times it came back as "No Party Preference." Once a party gains a ballot line in California, it keeps it by maintaining registered members in excess of a very small fraction of the voter registration in the previous gubernatorial election (as I recall).


    1. Almost seems like a commentary. Is the Green Party consider the equivalent of No Party? Hmmmm.

  4. I'm just having a real hard time reconciling Bernie's actions. Apparently he plans to take to the campaign trail *with* Hillary while at the same time firing up his new group "Our Revolution". Those two things just seem diametrically opposed to me and bring to mind the old saying about not being able to serve two masters.

    People, as a whole, are making me pretty sick these days. I liked it much better when I was unaware of how many truly stupid and hateful people I share this country with.

    1. Agreed. Mass media and mass communications definitely have their downside.

    2. Susan, you are not alone. It is indeed very hard to bear the hatred being spewed day by day. We need to remember that this is just the stuff we hear about, the stuff the media chooses to highlight. Those bozos were there all along and they didn't rule our lives. DT's campaign is bringing them out of the woodwork, and hopefully once he's out of the picture they will crawl back into their holes. Meanwhile, nobody is telling us about the woman who is accompanying a friend to cancer treatments, having endured them herself, making the hard moments lighter because that's how you get through the horror. Few are highlighting the good people running for office, like Zephyr Teachout. And maybe that's a good thing. Let them slip in quietly with less scrutiny by the opposition. Let STUPID and MEAN be highlighted this season while GOOD and COMPASSIONATE go underground. But let the fools not win. Let the good prevail;.

      As for Bernie, I have felt that way too. But here's what I see. Bernie saw before the rest of us did, that the math wasn't going to work. He might well be the rightful candidate but it always takes about two years for the truth to come out, and the proof to be clear. He knew it wasn't going to be sorted out in time. Shenanigans won. He said at the outset that he would not run third party, and Bernie stays consistent to his word. So he looked to the next best thing. Of the nominees, he knew DT is a loose cannon, and one cannot work with him. Clinton will say anything to get elected, so it would work to get her (and the Party) to agree to part of his platform. That would be a partial win. He is then working to get good people elected to Congress, because NOTHING will change until Congress gets changed. He has said that Clinton will have to do what she has recently promised to do (of his platform) or he and we are going to hold her feet to the fire. That's the key difference between Hillary saying she'll do something she has no intention of doing, and getting away with it (and blaming an ineffective Congress) and Hillary having to do what she said she's do because the people and the new Congress require it of her. Anyway, that's the way I understand it. That doesn't mean I like it. I don't have the vision and determination and will that Bernie has. More power to him. I just wish he'd never said he wouldn't run third party.
