Thursday, June 23, 2016



  1. A few miscellaneous notes, and then to bed (later than I should). Annnddd.....BERNIE!

    When Lincoln Warned Against Trump

    Yes, Bernie Has Leverage—Deal With It


    In California, HRC's primary lead over Bernie has fallen below ten per cent. with 1.4 million votes yet to be counted. Jill Stein ran away with the Green Party primary election.

    ¡Viva Podemos! [Click]
    "Spain's Podemos party, which in recent years rose to prominence on a defiant anti-austerity platform, has overtaken one of the nation's two leading political powerhouses and is threatening to unseat the conservative establishment in Sunday's general election."

    Title [Click] The Largest Healthcare Fraud Takedown in U.S. History

    Women to take on men in medieval jousts at English Heritage sites


  2. The Return of Lesser Evilism [Click] With Trump on the other side, Democrats can be lazier than ever this election. By Matt Taibbi


  3. Some good links, including the Bernie on CSPAN one from last thread, which has been bookmarked. Maybe I'll be able to muster the energy for them tomorrow.

    Great parody, Alan. Yes, it's always reassuring to find that the ol' mind hasn't totally turned to mush.

    1. Here's the whole thing, as memory serves me (and it evidently does, because the rhyme and meter work):

      "The People's Flag is palest pink,
      It's not the colour you would think.
      The middle class they stand and cheer,
      Hurrah, the Labour Party's here!

      We'll change the country bit by bit,
      So no one will notice it;
      And just to show that we're sincere,
      We'll sing The Red Flag once a year.

      The cloth cap and the woolen scarf,
      Are images outdated;
      For we are the Party's avant garde,
      And we are educated.

      So raise the rolled umbrella high,
      The college scarf, the old school tie;
      And just to show that we're sincere,
      We'll sing The Red Flag once a year."


  4. I have it on high authority that at the VT meeting after California Bernie said he will not concede and not endorse, but will congratulate and will stand with HRC on specific items in the platform. That is all.

    1. Oh, my! Hardball! The kiddos should love it--they have probably never seen the like. And does it ever bring back memories for us--ahem--mature types. It must drive the Demostablishment (how's that for a neologism?) up the wall--it has been so long since they saw any backbone they probably have no idea how to deal with it! ZOT!


  5. Bernie is NOT conceding.

    He flipped another California county.

    Plus he was on Colbert tonight and waxed wonderful.

    Oh, and Colbert is going to be covering the R and D Conventions LIVE!

    1. Better and better! Yolo County--largely rural/agricultural, plus the University of California at Davis. Will have to see if I can find a link to Colbert.

      And Colbert live coverage of both the Demopublicans and the Republicrats? Bingo! There are SO MANY things that could happen between now and the finale of the Dem convention that I can hardly stand it!

      Dump Truck to GOP: "You're fired!"
      GOP to Dump Truck: "You're fired!"

      Secret Clinton bank accounts or other naughtiness hits the fan!

      Riots outside the convention halls! Chaos within!


      I assume everyone else here got the letter from Bernie saying "whatcha want in the platform" and please send some clams. I have complied.


      P.S.: In case anyone wonders, it has been pretty warm here, but not bad. Low hundreds off and on. No messages from the electric utility asking us to cut back use during the hot part of the day.
