Friday, June 24, 2016



  1. Yea for Bernie!

    Breaking the cycle of gun reform failure [Click] A glimmer of hope?


  2. Left comments on previous thread late last night.--Alan

  3. Yes, I got the email from Bernie. One thing that surprised me was that there was nothing about higher taxes on the 0.1%. As far as I was concerned, that was the most important issue of the campaign. Restoration of Glass-Steagel (breaking up the banks) is just common sense.

  4. And Britain voted to exit the European Union. Which, among other things, probably means that Scotland will vote to exit Britain.

    1. Yes, that was my first thought too. Possibly Northern Ireland as well, which would be most interesting. If they leave the UK they'd have little choice but to rejoin the Republic.

    2. Brexit vote sparks scramble for European passports [Click] Also for office space in Dublin, I warrant. And I should expect some young folk are researching Scotland…I suppose there would be some sort of naturalization preference for English citizens resident in Scotland at the time of independence.


    3. Well, they have two years from when Cameron invokes Article Fifty, which he said he'd do ASAP.

      BTW saw in the BBC report that the two men behind the Brexit referendum wanted it to pass, but proposed delaying invocation of Article Fifty. Slimy bastards! Wanting the exit vote and then not acting on it.

    4. Alan ~~ So long as the UK is a single country, nationality for UK citizens is determined by place of residence. So any UK person resident in Scotland at the time of independence is automatically a citizen of Scotland absent some sort of explicit action.


  5. • Ralph Stanley, whose “mountain music” gave rise to bluegrass, dies at 89:

    Ralph Stanley, the singer, banjo player and guardian of unvarnished mountain music who was also a pivotal figure in the recent revival of interest in bluegrass, died on Thursday. He was 89. [...]

    Though widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of bluegrass, Mr. Stanley said on numerous occasions that he did not believe his music was representative of the genre.

  6. Replies
    1. Very glad to see you here, Puddle, safe and sound♥

  7. Been involved in three separate FB discussions on the Brexit result. From these threads I gather that both Scotland and Northern Ireland are already proposing referenda to separate from the UK. Also have seen discussion of Irish reunification. So, it's not just my wild imagination.

    1. It would be a very small country--1.8 million people, Wikipedia tells me. But that is six times the population of Iceland. And their history has been so confrontational--how could they act together? Too much bad blood, I fear.

