Thursday, June 09, 2016



  1. Joseph N. Welsh is first today!

    And proof that it's possible to fight against the pricks--and win.

  2. Joseph N. Welch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Joseph Nye Welch (October 22, 1890 – October 6, 1960) was the chief counsel for the United ... On June 9, 1954, the 30th day of the Army–McCarthy hearings, McCarthy accused Fred Fisher, a junior ... Have you no sense of decency, sir?

    1. Puddle, donno if you saw, but I posted the Wikipedia link on FB and tagged you in the post to say thanks.

    2. Puddle can't get into FB on dial up anymore. :-(

  3. I have lost ALL respect for Obama. All he did was endorse another corporate shill who will insure the continuation of the oligarchy at our expense. And Hillary supporters! My god! Apparently they think if they're hostile and insulting enough you'll give up and vote the way they tell you! Not one of them know anything factual about either Bernie or Hillary. They are operating solely from media propaganda and fear of Trump. Disgusting.

    1. For the most part you're right, Susan, and it's very frightening, especially because they go out of their way to tell you how stupid and uninformed you are to support Bernie.

      I do know of one intelligent, thoughtful, logical HRC supporter, and I can't for the life of me understand why he doesn't see through her. Its the sF writer Adam-Troy Castro. He's very reasonable and rational. He is able to differentiate between legitimate disagreements with HRC and unfounded ad homonem attacks. He is eminently reasonable. So I can't for the life of me understand why he supports HRC.

    2. Thank-you, Susan. I found it particularly harsh that it was a wonderful woman and former Deaniac who first pressured me HRCwards, and so swiftly after the Selection process culminated with an absurd pseudo-nomination. To her credit, she apologised after I wrote this:

      As the election is five months away, the Dem convention is over a month away and the presuming only began this week, do you suppose you could have a little compassion and give a frustrated person a little breathing room on her own FB page?

  4. THIS! was posted in Comments on the Washington Post article:
    "Will Bernie Sanders supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton now? Here’s what we know" by Scott Clement and Emily Guskin, June 8"

    Shalane Marie Clayton 5:18 PM EDT
    My daughter is 16, she is intelligent and articulate, but she listens to irritating music and babbles about YouTube sensations Dan & Phil. Last year we had very little to talk about; this year we talk politics and social unrest. We talk about income inequality & the difference between equality & equity. We talk about the growing influence of social media & the impact that it is having on our political processes. We talk about the presidential election . . . and we do so because of BERNIE SANDERS. NOT because of the DNC, not because of Hillary, and not because of Trump. Bernie inspired such a passion in the young people of this country; by hearing their voices, speaking their language, and addressing their fears in a very real and honest way, that my 16 year old and I discuss politics. She envies her peers who are able to vote this year, she bullied me into voting in the primary, she cried with me when we realized Bernie would not be able to win the nomination. Bernie is my candidate because for the first time in a very long time there is someone on a ballot who seems to really represent ME. Our government is supposed to be of the People, by the People, and for the People, but that has not been the case for a very long time. Oligarchy has replaced Democracy in our country and in Bernie Sanders we see hope for a return to the democratic ideals our founders fought so hard to establish and secure. In Bernie we see hope that those democratic ideals, imperfect in their infancy, riddled with bigotry born of ignorance, might finally have the opportunity to grow up.
    Casting my vote for Bernie has nothing, NOTHING, to do with Hillary, the Democratic Party, Trump, the Republican Party, or, frankly, with you or your opinion. Casting my vote for Bernie, is about showing my children that our political process has value and is worth participating in. It is about showing them that our vote is our voice and we can only be heard if we use it.

  5. So, what's up with this? Can anyone verify that ALL the California votes have been counted? According to this, last updated at 5:16pm today (PT?), less than half the votes in California have been counted. If true, something is seriously wrong as California is said to have been decided. Alan? Anyone?

  6. As an election official I am aware that making changes in voting rules ALWAYS leads to confusion. If I, who live in a very small town, have seen this and am aware of this, then you can be certain that the DNC knows this too. I would never ever change rules going into, of all times, a Presidential election because that is when the most voters come to the polls and it would create mayhem! So I demand an explanation as to why voter lists were altered, why polling places were eliminated, why people who had always voted Democrat and had not moved were told they weren't on the list, why California has been called before half the votes are counted, why Hillary was declared by AP the night before a major primary day, and on and on. There has been so much voter suppression with this election it should be declared invalid! So don't anybody expect me to "get on board" a pirate ship!

  7. Did Alan say he was going to be away for a few days? Haven't seen Bill for a while either.

    1. Just haven't really had anything to say.

    2. I was away to a rather distant locale (five and a half hours' drive each way) for a homicide trial. And Blogspot has eaten two or three of my quick posts!

      We drove within sight of the Sutter Buttes [Wikipedia article here (click)], then drove west into the coastal mountains--an area where I knew there were old volcanoes, but I hadn't known there were such huge deposits of volcanic ash--hundreds of feet thick, mountains in themselves! I had approached the area previously from the south and the west, and although the fields are or were littered with volcanic bombs (many gathered to build stone fences), one doesn't see such ash deposits.

      After two or three years of trying to get doves to settle in to a place I built for them to nest under the eaves on the back of our house (with a nice little landing area on a portion of roof), finally a pair has moved in!

      I mentioned those stories listener (I think) posted about how it was made hard--almost impossible--for independents to vote in the California Democratic primary to my boss, who is registered "No Party Preference," and he said he had no problems. He went to his polling place, got a non-partisan ballot, said he wanted to vote for President, was told he had to select a party (one which would permit it), said Democrat, was handed a Democratic ballot and voted for Bernie.

      Election night I sent Bernie some money (don't want him to have campaign debts), and also Time Canova (running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz and evidently doing very well). I will look up who else Bernie endorsed; send a bit to Lucy Flores this evening (she's been asking, and sounds like a dandy candidate). Oh, and Zephyr Teachout! A little pinched for money at the moment, but every bit helps.

      I expect that Bernie and his staff have been thinking for a long time about what to do with the campaign organization after the end of the campaign, and I should expect they will do something like Dean/Democracy For America, only much better. Bernie's campaign organization has all the bones of an advocacy organization aimed at electing selected candidates, and has been testing on a small scale.

      I am pleased to notice that both my native county and the county where I grew up went for Sanders.

      Last night I changed my voter registration back to Green, and sent Jill Stein a small contribution.

      I think this is just getting started; if the Democratic Party establishment politicians can't see what is coming, so much the better. Let 'em get blindsided.

      And finally, some interesting ideas here:
      If Trump Actually Looking for the Off-Ramp? [Click]


  8. Listener, your rainbow photo reminds me of a favorite song, whose refrain runs:

    Look, look, look to the rainbow
    Follow it over the hill and stream
    Look, look, look to the rainbow
    Follow the fellow who follows a dream

    Rather appripos for Bernie, eh?

    1. Very!!

      And, to your earlier comment, I have very much enjoyed your longer posts and your companionship here, especially during this rough week.

    2. Thanks, Listener. It has been wonderful to have somewhere to come and be among like minded, caring friends. Our little community is truly a haven.

  9. I agree, Cat! No one's going to trounce us here. Helps!
