Friday, June 10, 2016

Boats at Dock


  1. Bernie floats my boat! And Blogspot doesn't seem to have eaten the post I killed yesterday's thread with.


  2. Thank-you, Susan and Cat, for your commiseration on the last thread regarding Hillary supporters who are barraging Bernie supporters. I found it particularly harsh that it was a wonderful woman and former Deaniac who first pressured me HRCwards yesterday, so swiftly after the Selection process culminated in an absurd pseudo-nomination. To her credit, the woman apologised after I wrote this:

    As the election is five months away, the Dem convention is over a month away and the presuming only began this week, do you suppose you could have a little compassion and give a frustrated person a little breathing room on her own FB page?

  3. I heard a phrase this week that has stuck with me, because of the times we are in. It may be used when someone begins to play devil's advocate (about anything, but I can easily imagine it related to the election and all the fear mongering and pushing of people to join in on Group Think). "Please don't play devil's advocate with me. The devil has enough advocates already." LOL! Love it!!

    1. Indeed he does! *sigh* And true friends too, poor deluded beings that they are.

  4. Replies
    1. I watched the clip on the news, in which they interviewed Howard. I had no problem with anything he said. He said that Bernie has earned the right to campaign his own way in these last days of the primary season. They pressed him about what it was like for him when his campaign fell apart and he pointed out that he had not gotten as far and as deep as Bernie has done, despite being the front-runner for a time. I was glad that he did not suggest what Bernie ought to do or is expected to do. Instead he said that Vermonters elect people who are authentic and tell the truth, and such is not valued equally everywhere else in the country. This is entirely my succinct paraphrase. You could see if the clip shows up on the website. Sunday morning at 7:30pm, they will air the interview again, and it will be a longer segment.

    2. It's a good interview and, as I said, I don't have a problem with anything Howard said. But I do feel differently about one thing:

      IMNSHO, Bernie deserves to be the President.

  5. Good to hear that from/about Howard, listener; thank you. Boy, am I glad, from what I hear here, that I do not participate in FaceBook. (Put me down--justly--as a fossil if you will, but I don't see the point of it, and I consider their business model abhorrent.)

    Hogwash of the day:
    Obama endorses Clinton: 'I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office'

    Gee, Washington, Lincoln, TR, FDR--all bush leaguers, eh? Frankly, I don't think HRC has what it takes to be another Chester Arthur--about the best I can hope for is that she doesn't bring about another horrific recession or a BIG war. And I am not at all sanguine about her avoiding both of those. On the up side, I don't think the movement to which Bernie gave voice is going to suddenly wither away--far from it. The young folks haven't had the fight beaten out of them--that's the role young folks play in society.


    1. You are wise, Alan. The Hillbots on Facebook have an endless supply of insults and they seem to be addicted to rage. The thing is that should Trump get elected he'll screw things up so publicly and so spectacularly that most people will fight against him. Hillary, on the other hand, will continue making her secret backroom deals and lying about it. Trump would be likely to do LESS damage just because it would all be out in the open. Hillary would be like a horde of termites eating away at your house and you don't know it until the roof falls in.


    2. I agree, Susan, that from a certain perspective Trump himself is less dangerous than HRC. But as abhorrent and zombie-like as HRC's hardcore supporters are, Trump's hardcore supporters terrify me. HRC supporters are a pale shadow of Trump supporters. And the thought of what those gun toting, women hating, racist bigot ignoramuses would feel free to do if "their man" got elected frightens me to the very core. You're strong and healthy and feisty and able to fight back, literally and figuratively. I'm horribly vulnerable. And I do not want those subhuman hate machines grabbing any more power than they already have.

      That's the one and only thing that gives me pause. No, I don't want HRC running the government. But I absolutely DO NOT want Trump supporters let loose and thinking they can run the country. It's not Trump I fear. Even if he lasted out four years, we could eventually recover from his administration's follies. But once his supporters get a taste of power, that is, to use a well worn but appropriate phraise, a geni that can never be rebottled.


    3. HRC brings out hatred. Trump actively cultivates and nurtures it. There's a big difference. HRC does not actively incite violence. Trump does. Of the two, HRC is definitely the lesser evil.

      As I said before, though, with her nomination having been decided on, the election is over. Trump will be elected; so we don't have to worry about lesser evils. We are free to vote as conscience dictates. In a way that's a tremendous relief. It won't be on my head "if" Trump is elected, because the Clinton machine and everything subdued by it's long tentacles has already made good and sure that Trump will be elected. Mind you, HRC doesn't realize that. She's gonna be one surprised mama when she wakes up that Wednesday morning to find she is not the president elect.

  6. A peaceful picture, Listener.

    Left a couple comments on the last thread.

    Thanks for checking in, Bill.

    Alan, it had slipped my mind that your case was such a ways away.
    Sorry to hear that FB is no longer accessible to dialup, though it doesn't surprise me.It's been growing steadily less screen reader friendly since I joined six or seven years ago. Progress, they call it. :P

    1. Oh, I don't know that I said it was so far away--in fact, I didn't realize it! Google Maps underestimated the driving time by about an hour and a half--allowing an extra hour and rarely honoring the speed limits, we made it just in time--without attracting the attention of the Highway Patrol, I am happy to say. And then--this is a first for me--as I began my testimony it turned out that the subpoena from the DA gave the wrong laboratory case number (only off by eight years), and that was the one I was prepared for! Fortunately the DA had requested copies of the [correct!] lab business records, so I they could give me what I needed to testify. (At fifteen thousand cases a year there is very little chance I will have an independent recollection of a particular case.) Since I did tests on the decedent, there was no clue in the case name--People vs. X. But everything got straightened out calmly. Once again I was impressed by how calm and orderly a homicide trial is--no theatrics at all. Judge and advocates all want to do their best to not give cause for a re-trial. A simple DUI with no injuries, no property damage and no prior offenses is typically far more contentious.

      And it sure is nice to have a safe place to ventilate with friends. This makes thirty-two years since the Dems nominated someone for whom I truly wanted to (and did) vote; then, election after election I still voted for the Democratic nominee out of habit--until 2004, when I just couldn't vote for a Kerry-Edwards ticket. This will mark the fourth presidential election in a row in which I have been unable to bring myself to vote for the Democratic nominee. It doesn't matter if Bernie asks me to--I went along when Howard Dean asked me to vote for Cruz Bustamante for California Governor in 2003, which was the hardest vote I ever cast--I feel dirty just thinking about it to this very day. Sorry, Bernie--Howard used up the one chance to make me vote agains my conscience. I am reasonably hopeful/expectant that the movement to which Bernie gave voice will continue and may in my lifetime renew the Democratic Party. That can't come too soon.


      P.S.: We tale our grandkitty back to her mom in Mountain View tomorrow. So I better get to bed.

    2. "We tale our grandkitty" should read "We take our grandkitty"

