Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rainbow Weather

This vibrant rainbow lasted only about 5 minutes, but I happened to be there to see it. ~ listener
These photos were taken with my iPhone and have not been enhanced.


  1. Iris = [goddess of] the rainbow...

    listener--notes on previous thread.


  2. Have to say that all things considered, the dems did one whole helluva lot better than the reps. If I wuz a rep, I'd be looking fer a hangin' tree, about now.

  3. puddle--I do agree about the comparison of the debates. The Republican party seems to be coming a cropper, or actually several, now. All their smart ideas (not just debates) are miscarrying. How they're going to dig themselves out of their hole is at best awfully hard to see.

    listener--fountain pen update:

    I've been using the Platinum Preppy 03 with converter and Noodler's black Eel ink (also half-inch Scotch tape around bottom of cap) at work today (on coffee break now) and I do like it. The converter is heavier than the cartridge, and makes the pen feel more substantial; the gold and black colors of the converter make the pen look snazzier too. A very clear and even black line (fast drying they say and it seems) that doesn't show through ordinary 20-lb copy paper. The Preppy 02 with cartridge ink gives a VERY fine line, even for me. If a person writes really small it would be a good choice, but I want something that stands out better, even if I have to be a little more careful forming the letters and numbers. I think the Preppy 03 will be my regular inexpensive knockabout at-work pen. It doesn't write on masking tape, but I have felt-tip pens for that.

    I hadn't realized (hat tip to YouTube) that when filling a fountain pen converter one must be sure to fully submerge the nib in the ink, even to the extent of dipping in a bit of the pen's barrel (you wipe it off afterwards).

    Noodler has a huge number of inks--many of which are reviewed online. At their web site there is a *.pdf file comparing most of them. Beware--the bottles are filled right up to the top!


  4. From The Atlantic, via

    The Atlantic says “don’t be sur­prised if it’s Bernie Sanders who be­ne­fits just as much as Clin­ton from his per­form­ance at the Demo­crat­ic de­bate—and pos­sible even more. For an in­sur­gent like the Ver­mont sen­at­or, these ini­tial con­tests are the first real chance to in­tro­duce him­self to the coun­try, and judging from the Demo­crat­ic de­bate re­cord of 15.3 mil­lion people who tuned in to CNN, there was a lot of in­terest in see­ing Sanders take on Clin­ton.”

    “While pun­dits de­clared Clin­ton the win­ner, tele­vi­sion fo­cus groups and ini­tial on­line polls went de­cis­ively for Sanders. Those are ad­mit­tedly a wholly non-sci­entif­ic pair of met­rics, but the res­ults got the at­ten­tion of former ad­visers to Pres­id­ent Obama, who said they saw the same dy­nam­ic play out dur­ing the de­bates eight years ago.”

