Sunday, September 13, 2015

Races Today

Rock Dunder


  1. The Race is on! Dean is First!

    I read recently that some folks would like Howard Dean back as DNC Chair. I'd be okay with that. Or as a candidate again. Or as my Governor.

  2. Listener, that is one gorgeous sewing machine!

  3. Believe I mentioned the Georgiana Rannoch books, a new novella and two new novels. I've now read all of them. Delightful, as always. And, at the end of Malice at the Palace, Darsey and Georgie are racing north towards Gretna Green. It certainly took them long enough. *grin*

  4. Thanks, Cat! I'm super excited about using it sometime this Autumn. I really do need to clean out the office first. Sigh.

  5. No race today after all. :-( The wind did not cooperate, there was chance of thunderstorms, and some of the folks planning to race got a bad flu (one even went to the ER). As it turned out, once everyone had left, the wind picked up, no thunderstorms occurred, and even the rain held off until toward evening. Ah well. The race was rescheduled to next weekend. Hoping good things!

  6. Cat: Palmer Method of handwriting 1935 [Click] I think this has several improved drills for letters compared to the 1919 version. Notably, there are drills for making those little circles that should really be loops on the beginning of several capital letters like M, N, U, V, and W that I have never been able make look good. I got started with Palmer drills over the weekend, with an inexpensive fountain pen. I can see that learning to write with my arm rather than my hand and fingers will take practice, but I see no reason I can't do it.

    listener--the air quality here has not been bad enough to trouble us much--coughing somewhat more, but the occasional cough drop takes care of it reasonably well. When I got to work at the hospital, about ninety miles to the SW on Saturday, I could still smell the smoke there.

    More tomorrow--gotta hit the sack soon. The ER did a trip on my beauty sleep Saturday night and Sunday early morning.


    1. Palmer Method of Business Writing, 1935 [Click] The previous link doesn't seem to work--try this.

