Friday, June 26, 2015

On the Porch at the Maple Store


  1. Yeeeaaah!

    Sanders closing in on Clinton in NH poll [Click] "The poll has Clinton with a far slimmer lead than she possessed at this time eight years ago."


  2. Hurray for Bernie!

    I'm wearing my light blue Bernie T-shirt, which is very nice. It and the white one arrived in yesterday's mail. I'd forgotten they were backordered. By coincidence I'm also wearing pants from the Vermont Country Store.

    Alan, terminal Rs are indeed in short supply hereabouts,while words that look on paper like they end with A quite often get an R tacked on the end, e.g. Cuber, you know, that island ninety miles off Florider? The genuine, old fashioned Yankee accent is growing scarcer though, what with in-comers and the homogenization bred by television and such. It seems to be stronger (more tenacious) in Connecticut, but can still be heard in western Mass. from time to time. I think my own accent, such as it is, owes more to British than to Yankee influences.

    Far and fire? Huh. Don't hear that one myself. For me, far sounds like what we sing in the Christmas carol - Fa la la la la... except when followed by a vowel as in the phrase far and away, which actually comes out fa rand away, at least when I say it. Not all Brits or New Englanders elide the R like that. It's probably mostly laziness on my part or, ahem, a verbal peculiarity.

    1. You are practically a Vermonter now, Cat! :-)

  3. terminal Rs are indeed in short supply hereabouts
    * * *
    Pooh--at first I thought you were talking about the end of the republican party, lol!

    1. Well, some of them might be having terminal apoplexy about now, mightn't they?

      As for gub'mint interference with religion, that's been goin' on for a long time. Can't hardly take up serpents in church, you can't. Got to build the church next the state line in case of a raid. It'd prob'ly do them congress-critters a world of good if they had to take up a rattler to introduce a bill, or even to talk up about one. Then we'd see who had faith in what they were sayin', we would.


    2. LOL Puddle Don't I wish!

    3. Isn't it marvelous news?

      Ahem *thumping chest* the BBC noted that Massachusetts was the first of these here United States to legalize gay marriage. A far cry from poor ol' Hester Prin and the so called religion of her day, eh?

    4. Re-reading my last comment... Hmmm. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it? Sorry about that.

  4. Tomorrow morning off to Santa Clara (SF Peninsula) for Father's Day lunch with Naomi at a fancy ramen shop. Also some shopping.


    P.S.: listener--did you see my suggestion about the weather warning siren?
