Wednesday, June 04, 2014

What light from yonder window breaks?

Even as I was taking this photo, I knew I would post it here. :-)  
As today is Eldest's 39th birthday…our firstborn seems apropos.


  1. It is the east and Howard Dean is the sun!

  2. The next three days will be interesting.

    Tomorrow is Eldest's 39th Birthday, so we're meeting him for lunch.

    Thursday is VT*Grand's dress rehearsal for her dance recital AND school play performance. The play is performed once in the daytime and once in the evening, with dance rehearsal between the two performances. She needs back makeup for the play, and clown makeup for the dance rehearsal. I pick her up at 2:45 and have to have her back at school by 5:30pm (also fed). LOL!!

    Friday is a Retreat Day! I am partaking of an online retreat through It's so cool how they plan it! You sign up for $39 and you have an interactive retreat (with real humans) which you can do on any one of three days: Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

  3. Hmmm, it's 1:00am, so I guess Eldest's birthday is TODAY! :-D

  4. O frabjous day! Caloo! Calay!! The grant proposal is done!

    Granted, it would have been even more frabjous if I could have posted this 24 hours ago, as I once expected. I missed last night's parade committee meeting. But still great to have time opening up in front of me.

    Of course, I'm now thinking about all the other things I need to do, with varying degrees of urgency. Some things I really should have done months ago. But I can now, at last, look forward to getting them done.

  5. Warmer today, but still 70's. Sposed to be cooler tomorrow, via major rain event this evening.

  6. Congrats, Bill! Callooh Callay indeed!!!

  7. That is a beautiful photo, listener. Makes me wish I knew how to paint.

    1. I too thought it would make a lovely painting…even as I was taking the photo! The light in the room was so compelling. What do you think, oils or watercolour?

    2. I don't know how technique would affect this, but to me it looks like a water color. I tend to associate water colors with pastel, which is mostly what we see here.

  8. So I had an on-line chat with my client tonight. Two more grants before I leave for the British Isles not quite two months now. Well, one has a due date of Sept. 1, but they won't be getting any work out of me after July 29.

    But both are expansions of preliminary submissions we have already done, which helps. And I think at least one is pretty short. Even so, I'm wondering if they're not expecting more out of me thatn the 24 hr/week (averaged over the year) that they are paying for.
