Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Renee, if you can't have ashes on your forehead, you may appreciate knowing that it's also okay to have ashes simply sprinkled on your head.


  1. Howard Dean is First!

    Renee is also First!

  2. It’s an ill blizzard that blows no good [Click]


    P.S.: In Miyoko’s home town they had a single-day record snowfall the other day—76 cm (30 inches). It was in the news that some place or other in Japan had 128 cm in a single day.

  3. Snowing again. Probably an inch or two accumulation. Not clear if we'll get enough to move this year into third place all-time for most snow November-March.

    And records can depend on how you define them. This year is (IIRC) third for most below-zero lows. But with three lows exactly at zero, it's the all-time record holder for "zero or below."

  4. There's nothing like sitting in the retina specialist's chair, with an incredibly dilated eye as he peers into your eye with an intense light, to remind you that you're mortal. Ash Wednesday observance: check! The good news is that all is well, and I am free to Jose again. :-) Just arrived at class! :-D

    1. Thanks for checking in, Listener. Have a good class.

    2. Good news indeed!

    3. Oh how weird! My iPhone translated jostle to Jose. It must have been designed in California. LOL.

      I am free to jostle again. That means I can shovel again, and go sledding with the Grands. :-)

    4. I did wonder about that...


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Alan. Needles to say, that idear never occurred to me.

    2. It's fascinating to think how that function might have been incorporated into ceremonial uses of Stonehenge.

      I hope tourists don't start whipping out mallets to whack the ancient bluestones; maybe some modern examples could be set up at the visitors' center.


  6. Alan…I can attest that potholes are much worse this year than usual.

  7. Guess what I got in the mail today? A fundraising letter from the Republican National Committee! Haven't had one for years, and don't know why I got them back when. Maybe they figured that some people donated to both parties. But this one really sounded to my ear like a scream of desperation. Started out, "Everything around you screams of liberal destruction," and went on from there. Sounds like they have given up on trying to persuade anyone not already a True Believer.
