Sunday, February 09, 2014

It's Snowflake Bentley's Birthday!


  1. And Howard Dean is still first!

  2. I spoke with my eye doc today (yes, Sunday). Suddenly I had a plethora of dark brown dots and swirls trough the field of vision of my left eye! It's 3-D and swirls at will. Creepy and has kind of freaked me out a bit! I've never even heard of that before. I'm to go in tomorrow for an eye dilation exam to find out if it's a detached retina or "just" a posterior vitreous detachment. I suspect this is the fallout from my fall on January 5th. =Sigh = My advice is: Never get old!

    1. LOL Yeah, sure. Well, it beats the alternative doesn't it?

      Seriously, Listener, that is scary! Sending healing vibes♥

  3. Sure hope it isn't anything too traumatic to fix, listener. I haven't been posting much because I'm just sick at what has happened to our country. It probably affects me more than it should. Our democracy has been smothered to death under a pile of money. Our President, who calls himself a Democrat, signed into law a bill that makes the Koch brothers even richer and poor people even hungrier. How could he do that? It's a betrayal of the worst kind and with real-world negative consequences for far too many people. And NSA, if you're reading this, you suck too.

    1. Thank you, Susan! ♥
      It's really okay to come by and say that you are sick at heart over what is happening in this country.
      It's also okay to give yourself a break sometimes.
      I often wish I understood why good people sign questionable legislation. Often it's because it brings a partial good which they feel is better than no good at all. Oh to know what's really behind these things!

  4. I had a lot of flashers in my forties and fifties. And quite a few floaters for the first part of my sixties. All pretty much passed now. Now it's just scintillating stuff. . . .

    1. OTOH maybe Listener's right. :P

    2. I'll be sure to post once I know something! I'm hoping it's not a detached retina, but only the PVD thing.

      I've had a few floaters since my teens. This is way different.

  5. Love that snowflake. I think that's pretty much the way I like my snowflakes.

    1. Cat, each year the Jericho Historical Society chooses one of Bentley's snowflake photos to commission as a pewter Christmas ornament, made in Vermont by Danforth Pewterers. It's a lovely collection!

  6. Alan, thanks for the link last thread on megafauna extinction.

  7. "They would probably think the Russians are still Communists...although granted some are. They still probably drink tea, though."

    Ah, but it's chai. And you know you've gotta look out for those hippie weirdos who drink chai! *grin*

    1. It works pretty well to be a covert hippie and/or commie; as long as people don't *think* you're "one of them," you can get along pretty well!

      And on another note, I didn't see any almonds blooming on my way to work Saturday morning, but they definitely were beginning to do so on my way home Sunday afternoon.


  8. BTW, the house in the photo in today's Bentley photo still stands. In fact, I was there last Summer, because it is now the site of a wonderful art gallery. The house has been beautifully restored (still white with green shutters) and the shed where Bentley did a lot of his out-of-the-wind examination of snowflakes!
