Friday, December 21, 2012

SOLSTICE occurs at 11:12am UTC (6:12am EST)
So, the purported end of the world is to take place at 6:12am my time.  I fully expect to be asleep. ;-)


  1. The world isn't going to end and Howard Dean is still first!

  2. Power's out. We're among the 1500 without power in Vermont just now.

  3. Today is the first day in our modern world that we've had to function without the aid of the Mayan calendar. Wonder how we'll do?

    So glad the rePublicans are not being able to pull this one out. If it weren't for the unemployment stuff, I'd rejoice to let us go off the curb. I'm so bloody sick of them, and that's the truth.

    Going to be chilly here today, and after a day of rain yesterday, we got just a skiff of snow. Maybe half an inch.

    Love this: So the world is supposed to be ending today huh? That's bad. I never have found out Who let the dogs out, the way to get to Sesame Street, why Dora doesn't just use Google maps, why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery", why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed, why "abbreviated" is such a long word, why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish washing liquid is made with real lemons, why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going? Does the alphabet song and twinkle twinkle little star have the same tune? Why did you just try to sing those two previous songs? And just what is Victoria's secret? You see, the world just has to keep going. I have too many questions!!!

    AND The light is coming back! (Again.)

    Tomorrow will be 0m 3s longer.

    1. Ah, that's beautiful! Got link?

    2. Well, Boehmer was never going to be able to pull off his "Plan B." Even if he'd gotten it through the House, it would have died in the Senate. But he clearly blundered in saying he was going to call it for a vote without actually having the votes to pass it.

      I agree that we need to essentially get rid of the Bush tax cuts. For everybody. Now is maybe not the best time, but better now than never.

    3. Thanks for posting that paragraph, Puddle. It gave me a nice, big grin.

  4. "The built-in email program in Windows 8 does not allow POP email accounts like those from EarthLink to be configured. If you upgrade to Windows 8, the simplest solution is to use EarthLink Web Mail ( for email access from any online computer."

    You know, Bill's boys just don't give a rat's ass about their end users. . . .

    1. Sounds like another reason not to get Windows 8. Clearly not right for my desktop in any case, but I was wondering about getting it for my netbook. That has a touch screen as well as a keyboard, and Windows 8 is optimized for touch screens.

    2. You know, Bill's boys just don't give a rat's ass about their end users. . . .

      You've got that right!

  5. Woke up to maybe a quarter inch of snow on the ground. Nothing like the 6" that was predicted, but just enough to end our record-breaking string of days without measurable snow.

    Gray and windy earlier, but the sun has now come out and the wind seems to have dropped a bit.

  6. Sun's out. Phone's dead. Wind's high. Good day to write a mystery novel.

    Wait! Wait! WE HAVE POWER!!! The world will have to deal with reality instead. LOL!

    1. Just curious. How were you able to post here with neither power nor a phone line?

    2. So, listener, you can't write a mystery novel when the power is on? 8)

      Bill, listener will correct me if I'm wrong, but I should imagine she posed here through the magic of iPhone.

    3. Cat ~~ I was wondering. Thing is, to me a cell phone is still a phone. So I wouldn't say without qualification "the phone is out" if either landline or cell phone were still working.

    4. Bill, our land line quit because the power was out so long that the backup battery died.

      Cat is spot on that I posted thanks to my iPhone. Had the power stayed off, however, eventually that battery would have died too. I would have conserved it incase of emergency, of course.

    5. Listener, I had always been under the impression that landline phones did not require an external sources of electricity. That the phone line itself provided all the power that was needed. That's why I have been so absolutely insistent on maintaining a true landline rather than going to the VoIP that AT&T wants to push me toward.

    6. Just did search and came up with this site:

      The first sentence is: "Telephones with cords do work without electricity, which is why every home should have at least one corded phone that will operate in the case of a power outage." So I'm confused.

  7. Phew! Looks like the world didn't end. Well, that's a load off my mind. *grin*

    1. Or, as someone on one of my groups said, maybe the world did end, and the news media just didn't report it.

  8. PS: cell phone is a different phone number than my land line. The land line was out.

  9. Cat...nope. My writing always seems to end up non-fiction. LOL!

  10. Bill-- The old-fashioned telephone system has its own backup power supply, independent of the electrical utility. They have batteries for short periods of line power outage, but generators for to back those up. One of my college roommates had worked for the phone company at a place that had one of the generators (diesel powered). He said the battery for the starter on the diesel engine was enough to turn it over a whole TWO times; sometimes it didn't catch on the first turn, but while he was there it never failed to catch on the second turn. Very unusual that listener's phone line went out.


  11. If indeed it went out due to lack of power, that is.
