Saturday, December 22, 2012


Today, a woman I was spiritual guide for, for many years, is being ordained an Episcopal priest.

This photo is from her ordination as a deacon which took place last Summer.  As you can see, the Bishop laid his hands on her head at the moment of consecration.  Her priesting will take place in this very same spot.  However, today the Bishop will be joined by a "great cloud" of priests also laying on hands at the moment of consecration.  As you can imagine, there's some serious kundalini energy that takes place at an ordination 


  1. Howard Dean is first! He showed us the value of creative thinking.

    "I suggest putting a teacher in every gun store."
    ~ Jef Johnson

  2. Howard would be first on this fine frosty pre-Christmas morning.

    Kinda laughing at the Republicans: they so thoroughly gerrymandered the House of Representatives districts, that they can not now get rid of the Tea Party. Which looks to be doing a very good job of bringing them down as a viable party. Sweet irony.

    1. Gerrymandering is an American tradition. In Illinois the Democrats picked up 5 Congressional seats through 2010 gerrymandering. The 2000 gerrymander by a divided legislature favored incumbents regardless of party. Which, due to historic trends not obvious at that time, ended up favoring Republicans.

    2. Out here it was Arnold Schwartzenegger who provided the political heft to make a start of beating back gerrymandering. The first election after redistricting gave the Dems a supermajority in both houses of the legislature plus every statewide office plus several more US Representatives. It would be asking an awful lot for the Dems to not get drunk with power, but at least things won't be chronically stymied. Arnold was better than I expected--which of course is why he could never have been survived a GOP primary election.


  3. Bit more snow today (another skiff), and pretty cold--high didn't make it much above freezing.

    I seem to have been gifted with a good line, after literally *months* of really/bad/lousy/awful lines. This is day three of normal. Feels like heaven, it does.

    And rejoicing with listener and her friend!

    1. Thanks, puddle! It was a beautiful ordination. The church has Tiffany glass and woodwork throughout, and I've never seen so many red poinsettias in one place before!
      The drive home was a bit slick, as it was snowing pretty heavily. The 2" of snow we had a few days ago was melted away by yesterday's rain and wind (up to 70mph gust here and 125mph gust atop Mount Mansfield!). Today we got it all back (maybe 3" so far and still falling) and as the temps are in the 20's and expected to get down to single digits between now and Christmas, it's here to stay. White Christmas!

  4. Got to John's for supplies--he was totally out of flour. Got some cake mix. I have some interesting waffles in my future, lol!

  5. Maybe we are going to have to admit that 20% to 30% of the citizens of this country are simply (and maybe clinically) batshit crazy.
