Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Icy Sky


  1. Howard Dean and dearest friends are First!

    Thanks for any prayers you may have mustered this morning for my dearest friend, Kim. I just got a call from her daughter and a message from her sister telling me that the surgery (which lasted a long hour longer than expected) went well and she’s being moved into recovery. Initially the lymph nodes look good, but they still did a biopsy, of course.

    Sooo grateful! ♥

    1. Glad to hear that the lymph nodes look good. Hope the biopsies confirm.

    2. It would be irresponsible not to do a biopsy, wouldn't it?

  2. Ah, good news! I had a firsties and a prayer, but the blog ate em, and then the line kept me from getting back on.

  3. Just had what is on the whole good news: Some work I agreed to do back in the spring has now been given to someone else. It was supposed to be a report on emerging and complementary treatments for Alzheimer disease. But I was shocked to discover that there have been more than 10,000 research papers on the disease in the past two years alone. I had gotten through maybe 2700 of them, but trying to find time to get through the rest and write the paper was creating unneeded stress.

    1. AH, that does sound like a big relief, Bill! Glad for you...though you must have put in a lot of hours reading 2700 papers! Wow!

    2. I remember you mentioning that, Bill. Glad the burden has been lifted.

    3. I didn't actually read 2700 papers. I looked at the titles. About 80-90% of the time that was enough to tell me it wasn't relevant. For the rest, I read the abstract. At least 4/5th of those turned out to be irrelevant. If it seemed to be useful I printed the abstract and, if the paper was available without charge, printed it to read later. Overall, I think maybe I had put in the bigger part of six days.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, that is good. But as I said on FB just now, there's still an awful lot of red in the middle of the country. I'd be happier with more blue.

    2. But notice that, except of Texas, most of the red doesn't amount to many electoral votes. None of the other red states have as many electoral votes as Illinois and only two have more than Massachusetts.

  5. Listener, that's one gorgeous sky!

    1. Thanks, Cat! And tonight we have the temps to go with it! Currently 31F here.

      It would be irresponsible not to do a biopsy, wouldn't it?

      It sure would.

      KIM CALLED ME TONIGHT! Her voice was rough (tubes down the throat during surgery will do that), but she's in good spirits and says it's not as bad as she feared! And that's with only pain killers by mouth. Bodes well.

      Turns out there was one lymph node larger than the others. Results by Friday.

  6. Appertaining to last thread: Wow, listener, that sounds like traumatic surgery, physically and emotionally, and difficult to recover from. Best wishes to your friend.

    Lots of love to Ally!

    Looks like I got rid of my land line just in time. No polling on ye old iPhone, thank Heaven!

    Speaking of such things, Sis and I finally got my absentee ballot made out tonight and it will go in tomorrow's mail. That's a relief. It has been niggling at my mind. But it seemed that whenever I wanted to do it, Sis was napping. She hasn't been feeling too great lately. Neither have I, for that matter. *shrug* Life's little vicissitudes.
