Thursday, July 05, 2012

Looming Weather

Anvil Cloud over Vermont's Green Mountains


  1. OK, so maybe they've found the Higgs boson.

    But either way, Howard is first.

    1. Son has been going on about the Higgs Boson thing or the past few days. I kind of just nod a lot when he talks about it. My brain just isn't up to handling this level of science at the moment.

      Might have something to do with ADD medication adjustments.

  2. Sure hope puddle gets the power today as it's supposed to be pushing 100 there today and through the weekend! That can't be making for good rest!

    1. Sending fervent good wishes for restored power Puddle's way♥

    2. Our high is forecast for 88. It may go higher, of course, but that forecast isn't unreasonable for July.

      Sis and I were talking about it and even she, who is eleven years younger than myself, agrees that summers are much hotter than they used to be. It's rather frightening, actually.

  3. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has ruled that taxies in NYC are not required by the ADA to be accessible to persons in wheelchairs. According to the court, the ADA requires merely that the city not discriminate against disabled persons who are otherwise qualified to operate a taxi. It "does not extend to consumers."

  4. Listener, any word from Puddle?

  5. No, but I'm at work, not home. My computer should be waiting for me when I get home later.

  6. Since Perky is a fence-jumper, he can only go outside on leash. Thus, if I am unavailable to supervise him, he has to be in his crate.

    This afternoon I took a nap. I wanted to just have Perky in the bedroom with me, but that's also where our bird, Zoe, lives. Winnie has learned to ignore it when Zoe screams (which is apparently not something Zoe does JUST to drive me out of my mind, but is a way of "calling out to her flock". Since I am part of her flock, and clearly *right there in the room*, "calling out" seems to be called for in that situation.)

    ANYWAY, Winnie has either learned to ignore the noise, or is just deaf enough that it no longer bothers her any more. Not so with my active-alert Perkins. If Zoe screams, he jumps onto the bed. Not cool.

    Once I woke up from my nap, it was dinner time for doggies. Still feeling a bit groggy, I decided to feed Winnie first (which, as "alpha", she expects anyway) before letting Perkins out of his crate. But Winnie's usual dish was outside (I *can* feed her outside, as she is not a flight risk) so I just put her food in Perkins' bowl.

    Winnie, who I tend to think as THE most food-obsessed dog in the world, would not make a move towards the dish. She just stood there in front of it, and looked up at me, as if to say, "Perky's dish--can't touch this!"

  7. Just read on Facebook about a tiny kitten who has extensive injuries (and thus major medical bills) due to being *thrown from a moving car*.

    Something bad needs to happen to any person who would do such a heinous thing.

    1. I agree.


    2. Sounds like the person who did that needed to have some essential and good things happen in their early years, and that did not happen.

      How young is the kitten?

      Our two 12 week old kittens are finally healthy!! It's wonderful to see them thriving after all they have been through! They still have another week or so of medicine to finish, but they are nearly symptom free now! It's WONDERFUL after all they've been through!

      Sure hope the little one fares as well!

    3. Something seriously, majorly, excruciatingly bad needs to happen to someone who would do such a thing.

      Listener, I'm glad your kitty babies are doing well at last.

    4. listener, I've taken that stance in more discussions with my husband than I care to attempt to count. Feeling less than magnanimous today for some reason.

      I don't know how old the kitten is. Here's a link to the story.

    5. I have learned two lessons in the past couple days:

      1. Intuition can never be a form of wisdom. If what you are about to say or suggest is based on intuition, you should keep your mouth shut unless you are able to translate it into something completely based on logic. And there damn well better be no holes in that logic.

      2. Empathy and commpassion are unimportant. They may not be *completely* worthless, but being "smart" is more important by several orders of magnitude. One shows just how smart one is through something called "debate". But if I try to define the meaning of "debate" in this household, I shall begin to weep.

  8. I now have 791.28 GB of available space on my computer!!! That's WAY better than 5 GB!! wOOt!!!

  9. I'm talking to puddle right now and her electricity issue is bigger than first thought. Ten local poles and eleven of the "sky tree" variety as well. Yikes!

    The people across the road have had power since Saturday night. But on her side of the road it's spotty, depending on how your wiring got hooked up and when. Heh.

    They're now saying "Sunday" but puddle thinks that's a stretch. WOW!!

    1. Just to add that puddle says she hasn't been hurting for food or water or anything. She does miss the fans and evening light. Beau loves having her company outside so much (in the light and the breezes) though! Ha!

      "There's no great loss without some small gain." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

    2. Thanks for the good word, Listener. If you're still on with her, tell her I send my love.

    3. I wasn't, but you can leave her a note that she'll see once she's back! :-)

  10. For Cat, in case she hasn't heard this one yet:

    A Higgs boson walks into a church. "We don't allow Higgs bosons in here!" shouts the priest.
    "But without me, how can you have mass?" asks the particle.

    1. ROTFL Renee. Thanks, that's just what I needed.

    2. Small wonder they call it "the God Particle." LOL!

  11. Started a response, got up to look up a quote, and Spinnaker sat on my keyboard, first adding a long line of characters, then POSTING it! LOL! So I deleted that and am trying again...

    Renee, sounds like you've been learning from a linear thinker. Don't believe a word of it. Wisdom is not merely objectivity, but subjectivity as well.

    As the introduction to the home schooling curriculum (of Oak Meadow School, written by Lawrence Williams, PhD) reads:

    Parents who are eager for their child to display his mental talents should remember that a child is more than just an intellect. A brilliant intellect is useless without a focused will, and is even dangerous without a loving heart.

  12. Renee, having spent the last month nursing sick kittens, I'm not going to click on that link...for the same reason that...When I was home schooling our five kids while also taking Clinical Pastoral Education (Chaplain training) I served on the cardiac units, and definitely not the pediatric ward.

  13. REPLY Comments aren't necessarily showing up where promised. Ha!

  14. Renee, did you watch Donny and Marie as a kid, or were you to sophisticated? I loved the show and watched it every week. Somehow, though, I missed this episode, which must have been the best episode of the entire series. The clip is just darling. Hope the link works.
