Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod


  1. Motto of the Lifesaving Service (later folded into the Coast Guard):

    "You have to go out, but you don't have to come back."

    Gov. Dean surely will not mind sharing first place with the Lifesaving Service today.

    Re Obama administration's messaging, I buy this:

    I'm not in San Diego today; opposing "expert" "not prepared," and the judge accepted that as a reason not to proceed. Hey, I was looking forward to a fancy breakfast at the B&B around the corner from the court house! Well, all things in due course.

    1. Thanks for the Coast Guard motto, too, Alan!! It is wonderfully exemplified in Henry Beston's Book The Outermost House. It chronicles a year he spent living in a one-room cottage atop a sand dune on the outermost part of Cape Cod (at Coast Guard Beach!), in gorgeously poetic yet concise and worthy language. It was the 1920's and he was present when, during a big storm, a dune collapsed and a buried ship appeared! He tells of his friendly relationship with the Coast Guarders who walk the shore every night. There is no other book like it! It's equally good for the Summer porch or in front of the Winter fire.

  2. Catching up:

    listener, I agree with the idea of supporting small local shops; I feel I went the extra two or three miles to make things work at the "local" "small" upscale shoe shop, but they were pushing poor quality counterfeit shoes on me at full list price and couldn't or wouldn't make it right. They were blaming my feet for not fitting their shoes! [Really.] So they got full price for a pair of junk shoes that ultimately went into the trash because they were unwearable, and lost several more sales. The fact that I got a lower price through Amazon is not a decisive factor, although it isn't a minus. In fact, I looked for a bricks and mortar store that handled what I wanted anywhere nearby or near where I was likely to travel; no luck. I honestly wish it were otherwise. Hmmmm…. I am reminded of my home town, that didn't have a book store. We borrowed from the library or ordered from Sears Roebuck or Monkey Wards, delivered by Railway Express. I would ride my bicycle about fifteen miles to visit the nearest bookstore as a kid; I still have a prized book [from Dover Press] that I purchased there.

    "I must be getting old. Of the roster of "stars" announced for A Capitol Fourth, I only recognized two, Cool and the Gang and Matthew Broderick." --Cat

    Who and who? --Alan

    Renee--Perkins will grow up. And in time he will become old, and you have done a good thing to help him out.

    Pretty warm hereabouts today.

    MRE = Mean Ready to Eat, the replacement for K Rations. The peanut butter ration if used as fuel for a lamp provided just enough heat for a cup of their instant coffee. I particularly remember the K ration fruit cake (very good), B2 Unit (cheese and crackers), cocoa (very good), and P38 (tiny can opener, handy on a key ring).

    listener-- that window sure DOES look like Tiffany. I recall seeing photos of his house, BTW.

    Naomi and friends are going to Japan this August (we are cat sitting); she was down about not being able to get Ghibli Museum tickets online, but we found she could get them at the Japan Travel Bureau in San Francisco. No luck getting tickets to the Doraemon museum in Kawasaki there, and she was really down about that (in both cases that was her assignment), but Miyoko's (and of course Naomi's) cousin score them at the local convenience store! Made Naomi's day.

    One of my all-time favorite cartoon characters. Among other things he as an "anywhere door" and a pocket with all sorts of techno-magical things in it. The kids are always using them to travel in time or place, and inevitably get into pickles.

    And now to bed, much later than I should. TTFN

    1. "I must be getting old. Of the roster of "stars" announced for A Capitol Fourth, I only recognized two, Cool and the Gang and Matthew Broderick." --Cat

      Who and who? --Alan

      LOL Alan. Mind you, after a swinging and extremely nice version of "America the Beautiful," I didn't recognize anything Cool - or is it Kool? - and the Gang did.

  3. Wow, Alan; did you write that long post off blog then post it in, or are you the bravest blogger ever?!

    And yeah, I definitely comprehend and understand your shoe dilemma. I think we have all been there: searching sometimes for weeks for an item and not finding it, so having to buy it online after all. I believe we will see more and more of that if the big stores keep putting the small stores out of business. Loved your biking story!! Good balance for this time in our lives. Of you ever publish your memoirs, I'll be first in line at the bookshop!

    For a second there I thought you were going to Japan to cat sit! How funny about the tickets!! Too wonderful that the latter were obtained at a corner shop!

    Hope you get that B&B breakfast soon, for the sake of the person awaiting resolution. :-)

  4. Well, I am here via Clementine. But ye gods and little catfish it's slowwwwww. Am trying to download firefox, but isn't working so far. One thing I'll say: is that it's SO glitchey, SO slow, so hard to find *anything* that if I end up back at the dying computer, I'll feel grateful.

  5. I hears ya, puddle.

    When Son spiffed up my hard drive last weekend he added Google Chrome to my browsers. I haven't yet figured out why. Ha!

    1. Sis likes Google Chrome. I downloaded and installed it, but every time I tried to open it, it crashed. Gave it a good, honest try, then uninstalled. It's Firefox for me.

      Puddle, I understand the dilemma of old versus new computer. Dad got my old and new harnessed so I can use either or both with one keyboard, mouse and monitor. The new one lets me play videos directly on YouTube, which the old one had stopped doing. It also boots quickly. But Win7 is sooooooooooooooo inconvenient! Nothing is laid out logically. Nor does Window-eyes work particularly smoothly with it. Know I must try, but it's a whole lot easier to use the old XP computer, with all its problems and crotchets. Besides which, Win7 is not good for music. Dad came across several comments complaining about this. One commenter he told me about is doing the same as me, keeping her old computer for her music. All in all, Win7 strikes me as an expensive dud. Sure hope MicroSoft learns its lesson and, next time, puts out something more user friendly, though I won't be holding my breath.

    2. Windows7 also totally screws up the files Sweetie uses for his home business. He prefers XP too, but too mamy companies are using 7 now, so he's had to create a whole new product.

  6. Seven hours in HELL. Part of it is having to be on IE, but the modem doesn't seem to be working that well, either. Weird keyboard, slowwwwwwwwwwwww loading. Many windows/tabs just disappeared without an explanation, others disappeared after telling me they had a problem. . . . Another really lousy piece of work from Bill Gates.

    Looks to me like every new OS he builds has more in HIS hands, and less in yours. . . .

    Looks like I'll be switching to WaterFox, which is the Mozilla supported version foro 64bit.

  7. Replies
    1. Hmmm... Firefox works fine for me, but the Win7 machine is 64 bit, so maybe I should try Waterfox. Yes, that is cute.

  8. In the past week I've gotten two Jack Jones LPs: Lollipops and Roses (1961) and The Impossible Dream (1966). The earlier album is all ballads, including several waltzes. The later includes a couple nicely swinging numbers.

    I can dig Rock and Roll. There are times when I very much enjoy it. But, let's face it. I'm basically an Easy Listening kind of girl.

  9. Okay, it's going to be a wild and crazy weekend around here.

    First, the kitties are now officially OFF the antibiotic. We'll find out tomorrow whether they are okay, or beginning to relapse. Assuming it's all good, then Youngest is coming over late tomorrow night to bring our grandcat Mali to spend the weekend while they are away at a wedding.

    Add to that that I'll be at a Library workshop all Friday morning and am needed to work extra hours 2-6pm to cover for a coworker who is on vacation. (A third of the staff is on vacation!)

    Plus, on Saturday while I'm working, Sweetie is sailing in the Mayor's Cup Race over on the NY side of Lake Champlain...with temps in the low 90's and wind only about 5-7kts. Heh.

    Once all of that settles down, and Sunday rolls around and Mali goes home, we still need to volunteer at the Root Center before picking up VT*Grand for an overnight and to spend Monday with me until after her Dance Class.

    I tell ya, it's never a dull moment.

    If all goes well with the kitties, Mali comes back here from the 18th to the 24th, while her people are away. PLUS the Maine*Grands and their parents will be staying with us from the 21st-24th. I am looking forward to having the 25th off and will probably sleep the whole day long!!

    I have just posted front page photos through the 23rd and will watch for a couple more to get us from here to there.

    Keep me in your prayers for endurance and sense of humour!!! Yikes!

  10. Did I mention we'll be out of state for a Family Reunion on the 21st?

  11. At least Sweetie will be working from home on Friday...herding cats!

    Diving under the Wing now. XOXOXXX
