Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's the Weekend! Hurrah!

I have today off, the Grands are coming, and we'll be putting up our tree. Awesome!


  1. Howard's the very best!

    An altogether lovely breakfast salad:

    (machine) minced broccoli, green olives
    fresh homemade buttermilk cheese
    dab of mayonnaise

    with a side of fresh tomato slushee

    Life is good. . . .

  2. It's the weekend, and I just got an e-mail from my boss/client saying, "Hopefully you can finish today/tomorrow."

    The good thing about the way I work is not having a fixed schedule. The bad thing about the way I work is not having a fixed schedule.

  3. Just got back from town, and in the event, our little blizzard of Tuesday (six hours) dumped a LOT more snow other places than here at What Joy. Many fields and pastures and meadows at the high passes (or what passes for high here) still full of snow. And many snow fawns lying about meadows and woods. Breathtakingly lovely (and pretty cold!!).

    I missed the bank by two minutes. And left my new prescription home, and didn't want to go back or I'd miss the bank. Did get my thyroid, and a LOT of grocery shopping done. If Stevie'd been willing to take his meds, I would have made it. Cats: the royalty of inconvenience, lol!

  4. Lol! Hope it works for you. . . .

  5. I remember that from my self-employed doll making days. Also friends who'd call you and ask you, say, to take them to the doctor: Since you don't work. . . . So instead of taking sick leave or vacation, you end up doing the make up work in the middle of the night. . . .

  6. Gonna be a cold one tonight. The coldest so far this winter: 16° F ~~ mind if I say BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr?

  7. Currently 23 here, but Yahoo tells me that's supposed to be the low for the night. Then will warm up a bit. Low 40s by Tuesday.

  8. As I'd hoped, what was left turned out not to be all that difficult. About an hour's worth of final checking left. But that's for after supper -- don't feel like doing it on an empty stomach.

  9. I've somehow avoided having people assume that I have free time because I'm not working. But what I run into is that I prefer to work late afternoons and evenings, but people schedule meetings in the evening -- usually about supper time, it seems -- because "you're off work then."

  10. 25 at the moment, but we're looking at 18.

    We got out ailing tree cut down, and the top of it *DID* work to be our Christmas tree this year! Turns out it's a fairly greenish blue spruce...which means its gorgeous but has needles that really really hurt! Ouch! But it looks like a beautiful specimen found in the woods, most unlike the neatly trimmed tree farm kind. Actually, it's the top 7' of a 25' tree. The two spruces behind it are still just fine, so we cut this one down in time...such that the branches of this one weren't crowding out the others yet, and therefore not browning out one side of them.

    It was mania here MUCH of the day, with all three granddaughters together. Usually that's pure bliss, but today it was L.O.U.D.!! They helped us decorate the tree (with gloves and/or great care), and we all had fun.

    Off to sleep now. ♥

  11. Hi! What's a snow fawn? (Google isn't helpful.)
