Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Tide Shift (Got Elections?)


  1. Howard's first.


    Eyes open.

    Cat fed.

    It's a start.

  2. No, no elections here. Everything -- federal, state, and local -- is in even-numbered years.

  3. Good luck!

  4. Same here. I feel so strange...like I'm supposed to be over at the Elementary School working at the polls but I'm leaving everyone in the lurch! Ha! But all this will be made up for next year, that's for sure!

  5. The tree guys came and took down our neighbour's tree today. They did a fabulous job of it. Only one small branch from the tippy top of the tree landed in our yard. Amazing. I'm sad for the loss of a standing, healthy tree, especially given all we lost last year in storms. The birds will miss their byway to our feeder, too. But the Winter will be less fraught with danger to our roof and we now have a lot more morning sunlight.

  6. Thanks for the well wishes, all. Helped, it did.

    They didn't find much they didn't know already, but got some numbers, which I guess will make them feel better. They couldn't get the probe all the way down into the tummy though: the LES was closed too damn tight. So they'll have to live without that number.

    At least it's *done* ~~ And my tech was terrific working with some pretty icky stuff. Good enough that my BP was lower *after* the test than before, lol!

  7. Morning sunlight is a *good* thang, lol! Enjoy. Hope the tree will be recycled.

  8. Talked with Thankful tonight. She's got a whole lot on her plate just now, and I'm thinking I'd really rather have her around when I get *the* appointment. . . . Which is beginning to look like after the holidays. So we're *replanning* the visit. Meanwhile, I have an appt, Thursday with my regular, local doc, and hoping I can cadge some better meds from her. . . . We have to redo/check the thyroid in any case.

  9. I thought you had "only" to wait two weeks. Why would it be after the holidays (plural)?! It seems to me unconscionable that they're making you wait to be able to get nutrition from something as basic as eating!!! This should be taken care of immediately! What is the hold up? It makes sense to wait to have Thankful come, but I'm still sorry you have to wait for such great company!

    I hope you're getting some good hugs from your teddy bear, meanwhile. The bear that Mah*Sweetie brought me the day I had a small surgery, some years ago, comes with us whenever one of us has to go to the hospital. It's the same bear we took to the hospital when our son had his big car accident. It's nice to get "a" bear, but for us it's extra special if it's "the" bear. ;-) The nurses love it that we bring the same one from home as a tradition!

  10. He woodchips what he cuts down and it does get used.

  11. puddle...I just posted some notes at Baby.

    I love your blog and can only reach it when you post the link here. Bookmarking it doesn't work for some reason. Thanks.

  12. Two weeks to *get* the results. This is *clearly* NOT a priority for them. At least obvious enough to me that I started looking for other GI practices in the area. . . . Fear, though, that they'll want to *redo* everything. . . . Except for bleeding ulcers, I get the sense that *nothing* to them is an emergency. The time line is pretty close to others in my achalasia support group -- sometimes takes a year or more to get them to act. And that is when they KNOW what the diagnosis is. Discouraging. Kind of goes with the "drink Ensure" as a solution. . . .

  13. And the Bring your home bear idea is beyond sweet. . . .

  14. Yes, I feel guilty that I haven't yet gotten involved in the campaign. They're already looking for people to pass petitions to get Obama on the ballot here.

    You know, it just struck me -- although they moved the primary a month later than last time, the filing deadline is still only two months away.

  15. Hi!

    Bummer about the wait, puddle. I think most folks would prefer to just get it over with...

  16. What you (and the group) need is a doctor who has actually had this difficulty!!
