Friday, October 08, 2010

Granddaughter*in*Vermont is coming to play today!

Oh gosh, I love this little girl so much!


  1. Howard Dean is FIRST!

    Well, I posted this photo earlier this week.
    Tonight we heard that we'll have to wait until Monday to have Granddaughter over to play;
    they almost forgot she has a routine doctor visit tomorrow smack dab in the middle of our time.


  2. puddle, I'm glad you were able to post the newest Ally update.
    Reposting here:

    Ally update at baby ~~

    Originally posted Yesterday at 22:40:12pm.

  3. Got to sleep in this morning and was woken up by a phone call from the VT Dem Party. Several weeks ago I asked to taken off their phone list, and we have received several calls since then. This time I was ready. I told the caller that I understand it can take awhile to get a volunteer who can check the little box to take someone off a list, but that I never work for campaigns that go negative, as this one now has. Turns out this time it wasn't a volunteer calling; it was a staffer! SCORE! He promised me he'll take me off the list. He got a little defensive about the negativity, saying they had tried to stay positive but it was necessary because the other guy went negative. But I stayed pleasant and said that not how it's coming across. The last caller (a volunteer) had responded to my assertion that I was supposed to be taken off their list by trying to get me to work for their guy! So I added that I've worked on a half dozen campaigns but will not help a campaign that goes negative. I wouldn't tell him who I'm voting for, but did mention I'm working at the polls. In my view, it's past time for some consumer pressure. I'm tired of people telling me that negative campaigning works. All it succeeds in doing in my house is making us stop listening altogether. These folks need to learn from Howard Dean, who is excellent at laughing off negative barbs and setting things to rights with clearly stated truth.

  4. Got to sleep in this morning and was woken up by a phone call from the VT Dem Party. Several weeks ago I asked to taken off their phone list, and we have received several calls since then. This time I was ready. I told the caller that I understand it can take awhile to get a volunteer who can check the little box to take someone off a list, but that I never work for campaigns that go negative, as this one now has. Turns out this time it wasn't a volunteer calling; it was a staffer! SCORE! He promised me he'll take me off the list. He got a little defensive about the negativity, saying they had tried to stay positive but it was necessary because the other guy went negative. But I stayed pleasant and said that's not how it's coming across. The last caller (a volunteer) had responded to my assertion that I was supposed to be taken off their list by trying to get me to work for their guy! So I added that I've worked on a half dozen campaigns but will not help a campaign that goes negative. I wouldn't tell him who I'm voting for, but did mention I'm working at the polls. In my view, it's past time for some consumer pressure. I'm tired of people telling me that negative campaigning works. All it succeeds in doing in my house is making us stop listening altogether. These folks need to learn from Howard Dean, who is excellent at laughing off negative barbs and setting things to rights with clearly stated truth.

  5. I totally agree, listener. Negative campaigning is a giant mistake. It seems to me you'd earn far more points by being above the fray (sp?) than wrestling in the mud. Plus you lose the opportunity to tell people your positive points and sell yourself. Undercutting the other guy might make you feel good for the moment, until you realize you've also undercut yourself.

    Or maybe Howard's way of speaking truth to power just spoiled me.

  6. Or maybe Howard's way of speaking truth to power just spoiled me.

    You can't be spoiled by truth spoken mercifully. Adding in some humour, the way Howard Dean does, says you aren't going to take it personally in the long run, but instead are going to focus on what matters in the conversation; but neither are you going to cower and just get hit. Instead you are going to stay on message and let the good shine.

  7. It takes maturity and a good hearted soul. That's why it doesn't happen enough in politics.

  8. There's a wonderful old saying:

    Never wrestle with a pig
    because you both get dirty
    and the pig likes it.

  9. "You can't be spoiled by truth spoken mercifully."

    Uh huh, yup, but I don't mean spoiled by the truth, but by the truth-speaker, and wanting more of that.

  10. Ah, well, there is that. :-)

  11. Okay, I've got multiple undone chores ever more loudly whispering my name, so I'd better get to working for a while.

  12. Ally update at baby ~~

    listener, corrected the spelling of retch, but that's all.

  13. Thanks, puddle. ♡ I corrected the spelling of mucous, and missed that one! (It takes a Village.) :-D

  14. It's a lovely afternoon where I am. Here's a strange little poem that came to me as I was busy not sleeping in the wee hours of this morning.

    When the rain ends, you’ll be on your way.
    When the rain ends, you’ll smile and walk away.
    But for now you’ll stay, warm and safe in my arms,
    With your kiss sweet as May on my lips.
    When the sun comes you’ll go but I always will know
    That one day you were mine in the rain.

    *shrug* whatever.

  15. Good for you, listener.

  16. Yes, Howard has spoiled us for the ordinary rat race. And most of them do seem to be rats.

    Negative campaigning is funny though. I've heard ads that repeat the other fella's name over and over and the only time the candidate's name is mentioned is in that stupid little bit at the end where he says, "I'm Joe Schmo and I approve this ad." The point being that, if you don't listen carefully, you think it's actually an ad for the other fella. Real smart, eh?

  17. Thanks for the honeybee news. Huge breakthrough.

  18. Lol! It's called "proofreader's devil" ~~ if there's more than one per line, you will ALWAYS miss one of them.

  19. Now let's hope knowing what it is will let experts figure out how to stop or correct it.

  20. My seed arrived from Oregon. Between the seed company's delay, and UPS's delay, it may be too late for this year. Gonna try, but I'm NOT a happy camper. Plus the UPS guy just flat out lied on his report, and said I'd *asked* for a later delivery date. Hiss.

  21. Huh? Why'd he do that?

  22. I think he needed an "official" excuse as to why it wasn't delivered yesterday. . . . Thing is, it's not the first time. . . . On the positive side is that FedEX is a thousand times worse. . . . They found an abandoned house locally where the FedEX guy had been dropping packages. . . .

  23. I have had the same thought! LOL! They even show a photo of the other candidate. Free advertising! It is sometimes said that ANY notice in the news cycle boosts name recognition. No one is listening to the specifics anyway.

  24. Nice cadence and beautiful sentiment. ♥

  25. Tell that Fed Ex guy he can drop the extras at my house! LOL!

    You can always send the seeds back without opening the package.

  26. Not exactly "package" ~~ one pound of blue wildrye and five pounds of crimson clover. The point was to get roots down to hold the new bank against flooding. I prolly should have had it in hand by mid August, knowing that Elmer's showing up is, erm, unreliable. So I dropped the ball. As did everyone else.

  27. If you have another week or two before the frost hits, you might as well sow it. Before the frost, mulch it good. Maybe save a little out so you can repair any thin places come Spring.

  28. Depends on what you mean by negativity. Here in Illinois a lot of us feel that Gov. Quinn is making a mistake by not talking more about his opponent's stands on the issues. But word about Brady seems to be tetting out anyway. (Comment heard at the science writers' meeting last night: "If the choice is between an incompetent and a crazy, I'll take the incompetent.")

  29. Beautiful weather today. Perfect day for me to go to the grocery story with Penny to help carry stuff home. Got a bunch of on-sale cereals and a couple of half-gallons of sherbet that she wouldn't have bought if I hadn't been along.

  30. Hallo Anonymouse...

    What I mean by negativity is endless television ads with really bad photos of the opponent and a lot of hyped up sound bites that are worse than half truths. Can't even stand to see them let alone listen to them. And it's all about the other guy being the bad guy. There is very little, if any, content about what makes this candidate the good guy. Bleah.
