Wednesday, August 11, 2010



  1. Sailboats are first!

    And, oh yeah, that fella who was governor of Vermont for a while.

  2. Puddle and listener, thanks. Actually, not only could Sis not put the adapter thingies in either, she said trying hurt her hands. Maybe I'll ask Dad. He's usually good with fiddly things. But, I'll have to make sure he tries first on the record that isn't "Winter World of Love." If he breaks a record - one must be prepared for all eventualities - I'd rather it wasn't "Winter World of Love," that being my fav of this particular batch of records.

    I never did the e-mail thang with FB. Not only do I not like the idear of spamming my friends and acquaintances with invitations to join FB, figuring that if they wanted to join they would, but more importantly, the idear of FB knowing my password and going through my mail totally freaks me out. Nobody knows my password! My dad doesn't know my password, and he occasionally needs it when he's working on my computer.The idear of some faceless, nameless colossus having access to my mail gives me the screaming heeby jeebies! But people do the damnedest things.

    listener, I'm sure you have an e-mail password. You may not always have to input it, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

    On plane crashes: Buddy Clark died in a plane crash...think it was 1951. A small plane, and if memory serves, there weren't enough seats for all the passengers, so some had to sit on the floor. Buddy was one sitting on the floor. Just because he wanted to go home to see a stupid college football game. What a waste!

  3. Cool (70ยบ), just rained, now sunny. We *were* going to put the Thompson's water seal on the sun porch (hadn't rained in a week). Mama Nature is being tricksy. . . .

  4. Yeah, figures. Whatcha gonna do?

  5. Got Thunderbird to download my Gmail, and got my Earthlink mail to forward to the Gmail account. Now, if I could figure out how to get Window-eyes to read my Thunderbird inbox, the way it always used to read my Netscape inbox lo these many moons ago on my notebook computer, I'd b all set. But, for the life of me, I can't see what I need to do with WE. ARG!

  6. Keeping our little Ally in my thoughts and prayers.

    BTW not to sound like a broken record, but Phil is a wonderful poet. So glad you put his stuff up on Baby. I don't always *enjoy* reading it - sometimes it makes me cry- but reading it is always moving.

  7. Troo dat! I'm just so glad he lets me do it.

  8. Bill Thomasson8/11/2010 11:58:00 PM

    I suspose today was slightly out of the ordinary. Started with a routine appointment with my retinal specialist. Everything stable, as expected. Then Penny and I went out to lunch at TGIFriday's to celebrate my birthday. She had the salmon-shrimp Carribean combo and I had the chicken-shrimp combo. The Carribean sauce went particularly well with the salmon, but it was all good. Then I got a free sundae and the special TGIFriday rendition of Happy Birthday. We picked up a few things at the grocery and the drug store, then when we got home I decided to have a nap. Slept for 2-1/4 hours, which is half again as long as my usual nap. This evening is more conventional, as I have balanced the parde checking account and am now catching up with my charatible contributions.

    Tomorrow is another day. (Oh -- got an e-mail from my boss-client. He says his internet will be fixed Real Soon Now.)

  9. . . .♥ .♥. ♥ .♥ . ♥ . ♥. ♥ . ♥. ♥ . ♥. ♥. ♥. . .
    . . .||.||..||..||..||..||..||..||..||..||..||.|| . . .
    ~~~~~~~~~~♥ H A P P Y ♥~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~♥ B I R T H D A Y ♥~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~♥ B I L L ! ♥~~~~~~~~~~
