Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Last of the batch...


  1. Looking forward to a trip to Chicago with my collie sidekick once finals week is over.

    And Howard is first.

  2. Listener--for the foundation of the Jewish right to a homeland in Palestine, you have to go back to the Balfour Declaration, and before that to read about Balfour himself. ("The Proud Tower" touches on Balfour.) It is also said to involve an improved method for production of smokeless powder in WWI invented by a Jewish chemist that is also related to the automobile industry (I can tell more about that if desired).

    Not sure why you would put me in charge of the country's finances--because I'm a cellphone cheapskate, maybe? But I would certainly have my priorities. A high priority would be putting the Pentagon on a severe diet, bringing back most of our soldiers from overseas and creating productive civilian jobs for them and for the soon to be unemployed munitions workers, etc.

    And now to bed, later than I should but not too bad.

    BTW, the weird pillow I ordered from to deal with my snoring and reported (by my good wife) sleep apnea really seems to work... Reportedly not snoring, and despite being tired I did not get drowsy during the day, which has been a problem for years and which is reportedly a common symptom of sleep apnea. Money very well spent.

    Hint (from a review): just put your hand under the pillow, not your entire arm.

  3. Alan, sleep apnea is NOT something to mess with. Get thee to a sleep clinic! Please.

  4. Mouse died. Ended up traveling to Harrisonburg. Dropped off donations at Mercy House, got new batteries for both phones, a new mouse and came home. Fun afternoon into evening.

  5. Thank-you! It's such a bummer that Ally is still HAMA positive.
    Hoping things turn around for her soon, especially as regards her scan results.
    Thanks immensely for the candles, folks! ♡

  6. I really do love to hear about your excursions into town, puddle. ♥

  7. puddle ♡

    Susan ♡

    Bill ♡

    Cat ♡

  8. HEY HEY!! Ally is the featured sweetie at the NH Make-a-Wish website!!!

  9. So few and so far between, lol! I was in such a rush to get out of there, I forgot to pick up an avocado or two (which my grocery store here seldom has).

  10. That is such a lovely story. She has such a sweet little face and I'm so happy she got an awesome playhouse.

    Ally has amazed everyone at every turn. I believe she'll continue to do so. Wish I had a magic wand to give Mom and Dad some relief from stress though. I admire their grit.

  11. I have the 5- and 9-year-old tomorrow. I'm already getting tired just thinking about it. We're having a "Granny Excursion Extraordinaire" though. I'm taking them out to lunch. Then we're going to the water park that's right next to my Senior Center to get their picture I.D.s made. I signed up their whole family. It's an enormous park and the water is no more than 2 ft. deep. There are twirly slides, water slides, waterfalls to stand under and a giant sand area that's probably about 50' x 50' or more. We landlocked folks have to take our beaches where we can find them.

    There's lots of playground equipment there too. I'm hoping I can keep them both well-basted enough with sunscreen. The little one has super-fair skin and fries like bacon.

    At the end of the day I'll take them home and probably fall into my own bed the minute I get home. Not as young as I used to be (but who is), but couldn't resist taking them for a day I think they'll really enjoy.

  12. Bill Thomasson6/09/2010 11:28:00 PM

    Oh! I think I've figured it out! It was a computer mouse that died. :-D

  13. Bill Thomasson6/09/2010 11:55:00 PM

    Probably should mention something about the fireworks I'm hearing outside. I've never been a hockey fan, but it IS the Blackhawks first Stanley Cup in 49 years.
