Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Come on by and have a seat...


  1. Howard Dean is first.

    And our Puddle is very Dean.

  2. Well, thank you, but. . . for why?

  3. We had an absolutely gorgeous sunset tonight. Best I've ever seen here. A deep rosy pink just a scosh away from real red, the the creek was running absolutely ruby! Got pics, which don't look too good on camera, and I have no way to download them yet. Will see.

  4. Ah. Got it. Thanks, lol!

  5. ♥ Traveling Mercies, puddle! ♥

    I'm off to the Book Mine....

  6. And just on general principles. *grin*

  7. I always wondered where books came from...

  8. My new stereo came today. *happy dance*

  9. ......................................... o ............ o
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  10. Ohhh man. What a leave-taking I had. At the last second heading off for work, I couldn't find my keys! Hubby wasn't home, but i knew he might be at our next door neighbour's house helping scrape paint. So I went running through the livingroom all the while focused out the window hoping for a glimpse of his red truck over there through the trees. And I ran smack into the closed screen sliding door to the back porch! We never keep it closed like that, except that Emma-cat has been pushing her way through the porch screens out there and she's an indoor cat, and Hubby hadn't had chance to fix her latest escape route. BAM i hit the flimsy door and WHAM it was pushed right out of the slider, and in the process the metal frame busted at two corners! I was SHOCKED to say the least and all the more despairing. Called Hubby and he wasn't over next door at all, he was enroute to the dump. He turned around to come fetch me, while I called work to say I might be little bit late, then searched some more. Finally found the key in the coat I wore to the theatre on Saturday night. So off I went on my own, still kind of shaken up. At least my coworkers were very nice about it...the head clerk having recently locked her keys in her car with just-bought groceries in it. Hubby is okay about the door, he says, but he is not really in a happy place, shall we say. =Sigh= You can't win 'em all.

  11. I posted twice since getting home from work and both posts have disappeared.

  12. 8) Thanks for the visuals, listener.

  13. The important thing, listener, is that you weren't hurt. I have no doubt Hubby would be very much less happy if he had a concussed or otherwise injured honey as well as a busted door.

  14. Do you mean here in the comments, with Echo, or on the main blog with Blogger?

    I just posted a blog post that I meant to put up immediately after supper; but, I got involved in watching Nova and then needed to play some more with my stackomatic. It's been so many years since I've had one, I had forgotten how nice it is. But, to get back to the point, I hope Blogger doesn't eat the post. That would definitely be a drag.

  15. I meant here in the Comments. They disappeared for awhile, but they're back now.

  16. THANK-YOU, Cat. ♥

    Well, had he SEEN the event he'd have been freaked. But since he first just heard about it, he probably didn't think of that. The thing is, I've been misplacing things left and right lately. I even misplaced my cell phone three times in one week. Why is that?!? I think I'm either getting senile or I'm overextended. Blah.

  17. BTW, Alex is a Hurricane now.

  18. Should have specified that I meant a blog post at Arty. But you figured that out.

  19. How nice for him.

    Don't mind me. I'm just tired and a little punchy. Have been feeling funny all day, kind'a weak and dizzy. Donno why, but it's probably sleepy-bye time.
