Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blooms and Stones (sounds like life)


  1. Bill Thomasson6/17/2010 01:15:00 AM

    Howard and Ally are first! Really good news.

    And with that, to bed.

  2. Decided my supply of absinthe (two varieties) was getting low enough and ordered two more; they arrived today. Just finished first sample of No. 3, and it is really interesting--although I rather think I might not purchase it very often. A recreation of a late 18th-century absinthe, bordering on a medicinal tonic. Absinthe is living up to my expectation that it would prove very complex, as much so as wines or scotch single-malt whiskies. Tomorrow the modern Italian absinthe. I have realized that what I thought at one point was a clouded sensorium due to absinthe was due to sleep apnea, now evidently cured by that weird pillow from that keeps me from sleeping on my back.

    Court in Hayward in the morning; must rise early, so now to bed. TTFN

  3. Back from Hayward; got there just in time to be told that the trial had been delayed to August. Oh, well; the pay's the same. Swung through Belmont (where we will be helping Working*Daughter find an apartment next weekend) and did some shopping in San Jose on the way home. Couldn't find a street map of the Belmont area in the stores we checked; too old fashioned?

  4. Maybe you can print one from online! :-D

  5. Ally is HOME!!

    Update soon at Baby. (It's another keeper!)

  6. Meant to share that the spring is running again. On its own. I think maybe it just got drained of the "spring box" ~~ at any rate, I've filled all the buckets, and have several weeks of water (about 5 gallons) stored in lidded buckets on the front porch. Love my teeny tiny little carbon footprint, lol!

  7. Yay for the spring!

  8. Here's Ally's update!

  9. Oh, troo dat, Cat! Nothing makes you so rich as good, free, sweet spring, running water!

  10. From Wikipedia:

    "The combined effect [of Rituximab] results in the elimination of B cells (including the cancerous ones) from the body, allowing a new population of healthy B cells to develop from lymphoid stem cells."

    Sounds good to me...

  11. listener just sent a gorgeous pic of Ally, with the arm of her daddy, which is now up at baby. . . .

  12. Blogger friend Denise works for Genentech which invented and makes Rituximab. Somehow I think that would make Howard Dean smile. :-)
