Thoughts on the so-called "dream ticket"
Apparently Hillary Clinton, while making the morning show rounds to bolster her "important states have spoken" narrative, has said that it's possible that she would select Barack Obama as her running mate. I'm seeing headlines everywhere saying "Dream ticket is possible".
I've never agreed with the idea that having both candidates on one ticket would be a "dream ticket". I suppose in a superficial, identity politics way, it would make some sort of statement. But I don't see the appeal. At all.
And I think this is really about Hillary hoping to undercut some of Obama's softer support. Read: "He can still be president, when it's his turn".
Except...why would she select someone as her vice president when, in her own words, his only accomplishment is a speech he gave in 2002? The man she chastised, with my governor nodding in the background, saying "shame on" Barack Obama for using tactics right out of Karl Rove's playbook. (And then pulled out her own dog-eared copy of the Karl Rove Playbook, and used it every single day leading up to yesterday's primaries.)
I agree with Demetrius' assessment:
Why on *EARTH* would Obama want to be Hillary's second banana? He would have to stuff his honesty and integrity into a tiny hidden box and go out on the trail to say what a great POTUS she would be. (Pardon me... I just threw up a little bit in my *soul*.) Then, if they *won* he would have to rubber stamp whatever stupid idea she came up with. He could kiss his "Agent of Change" mantle goodbye.(Didn't mean to displace floridagal's post so soon, but I wanted to respond to this "dream ticket" nonsense while it was timely.)
Obama is a young man. He can run again. And, no one would be able to say then that he doesn't have enough experience. Hillary's chances of another run are significantly worse. She needs *him* on the ticket much more than he needs *her*. If Obama doesn't win it in his own right he should stay clear of this next administration!
By the way, the Strickland bumper sticker is officially off our car now.
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