Dear Governor Strickland...
Governor Strickland, I supported you in your run for governor. Participated in a blogger conference call and transcribed it, and also did a bit of transcribing of your debates against Ken Blackwell. A Strickland bumper sticker still graces the back of my car. Admittedly, that's partly because we haven't bothered to scrape it off, but also because we haven't felt any pressing need to remove it. After all, we're kind of proud that our state has moved beyond Taft/Blackwell style corruption.

Please don't make me want to remove that bumper sticker. I don't want to become disgusted and fed up with you, so I've avoided following your remarks at Hillary Clinton events. Yesterday, though, it was impossible to miss you standing behind Senator Clinton and nodding as she delivered her "shame on you" tirade. This morning, I was disheartened to read your remark about Obama supporters “following their heart without engaging their head in the process.” Yes, I know you said some Obama supporters, but you're playing into stereotypes, which I hope you don't really believe. Please be careful. Once you've said something, you can't really unsay it, you know?
Hillary is already going very negative these days, insulting both Senator Obama and his supporters. Her behavior right now is so off-putting that even if she does find a way to turn this thing around and somehow secures the nomination, some Democrats are going to have a hard time supporting her. And that has the potential to affect not only the presidential race, but down-ticket contests as well.
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