Friday, January 04, 2008

Why Huckabee worries me so much.

Well, there are many reasons...but this is a major one.

From Right Wing Watch

Huckabee loves Scalia.

Governor Huckabee has pledged to support every item on the Radical Right's wish list: a constitutional ban on abortion, a veto of legislation to protect gay and lesbian Americans from discrimination, support for a bill to keep federal courts from intervening when local officials violate the separation of church and state, and most importantly, a far-right Supreme Court.

When asked about what kind of justices Huckabee would appoint to the Supreme Court -- something CNN predicts the next president could get to do three or more times -- his answer was:

"I would want people who are in the spirit of Scalia. He's probably my hero in the Court."

That should make Americans even more nervous.
Why does that scare me so much?

Because Justice Scalia made this scary comment that chills me to my toes.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia 2002:
"Government...derives its moral authority from God. It is the minister of God with powers to "avenge" to "execute wrath" including even wrath by the sword."

First Things May 2002
Haloscan comment thread