Friday, November 24, 2006

Peace on Earth

I just read this post on Firedoglake: War? On Christmas? It has today's date on it, but there are a number of newer posts by now. Anyway, I thought it was worth highlighting here.

Here in my town, a popular FM station switched over to all Christmas music, all the time at least a week ago. I usually find the vocal gynmastics and contortions of the "artists" in rotation to be so kitschy as to be unlistenable, but my partner likes the station, so I hear it a bit.

The other day, I heard John Lennon's Christmas song and it put a lump in my throat, given all that's going on.

War? On Christmas?

Let's bring our sons and daughters home, and stop sacrificing them to George Bush's intransigent vanity. Let's do it now.

The post at FDL has a link to a YouTube of John Lennon's song.

Merry Christmas: War is over...if you want it

Alternate link for comments

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