Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Howard Empowered Friends of Pine Ridge

Many of us contributed to the Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation this holiday season. Thanks to Catreona and Susan letting us know about this project, FOPRR collected about 2,500 holiday gifts for their least fortunate children, plus help for many of the reservation's community facilitities and residents who desperatly needed it.

The need on the reservation is year round, and I was going to wait a month or so before posting another project of their's, but there's a great opportunity on their website to contribute/recycle something that many people would just throw away this week:

Oyate Teca Project, the reservation's youth center, is asking people to donate their used holiday cards so the kids can use them next year to make gift tags, ornaments, small boxes, gift bags, cards, etc.

They are also asking for hole punches, scissors, construction paper, and glue.

The address to send donations is on the FOPRR website:

Alternate link for comments

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