Monday, December 26, 2005

False centrism and losing connection to the grassroots

Before turning in for the night, I thought we could use a new thread, so I'm going to post a bit of floridagal's Kos diary, with a link to the rest.

I have been very concerned lately about some of the top down involvement in local politics. I will just mention two specific instances briefly. One is the IL 6 race with Cegelis and Duckworth. That has been discussed a lot here heatedly.

The other is really worse in a way, because the Florida state party chairman, Karen Thurman, is involved with the DCCC's Rahm Emanuel in drafting a very wealthy Republican to run in Florida's District 16. There are two very qualified Democrats in the race already, why not fund them? Why have meetings with a registered Republican instead of supporting the ones in the race? I have been getting some stuff ready for a diary on this issue, but first I decided to reread some sections of Howard Dean's book.

I have thought a lot about what Howard Dean's feelings on this top down type of power play might be. He can't really say it now, you know. In his position as chair, I guess he must be careful. But actually he made some references obliquely to circumstances like this in his book last year called You Have the Power.

Click here for the rest. And check out the graphic link to Cegelis' campaign web site, on the right side of this page.

Alternate link for comments

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