Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Look out, here it comes!! 🌎 ☄️



  1. Just after midnight here, and it seems there are a very big firecrackers being set off in the vicinity, some closer and some farther from our house.

    1. "are a very big" should read "are very big"

    2. The explosions were strong enough to rattle the windows of our house. M-80's?
      Wikipedia: M-80 [Click]

  2. The Surprising Results of California’s Minimum Wage Hike for Fast Food Workers [Click] In short, no big deal for businesses or consumers.

  3. Suuuuper tired today, as I did not sleep well. I'm in the phase of healing in which the incision pulls and pinches if I move the wrong way. It's easy enough to get into bed, but getting out of bed is a painful ordeal. So, I was attempting to sleep in the recliner, since using a button I can get into a position that makes getting up painless. Sadly, I couldn't sleep in the recliner, even though comfortable. I was just too congested. So, naps are my friend!

    Had a really nice, though brief, visit today from PhD*Son and our Maine teen Grands! That sure cheered up the day!

  4. The year's getting off to a dismal start with two attacks. Look on the bright side though. It has noplace to go but down.
