Friday, July 05, 2024

Wentworth By the Sea, New Castle NH

Renovated from This...

to This!



  1. Federal judge in Georgia blocks ‘most severe’ law on bail fund restrictions [Click] “Lawsuit challenges law as unconstitutional, meant to target fund helping Cop City protestors”

  2. Guardian: UK election results [Click] 648 of 650 seats called, Labour landslide, Keir Starmer is Prime Minister.

  3. Josh Marshall: Thomas Jefferson Disagrees with John Roberts About Presidential Immunity [Click] Makes some very nice points; after all, Jefferson had the experience of being President.

  4. Wikipedia: Adam Riess [Click] Excerpt:

    Riess jointly led the study with Brian Schmidt in 1998 for the High-z Supernova Search Team which first reported evidence that the universe's expansion rate is now accelerating through monitoring of Type Ia supernovae. The team's observations were contrary to the current theory that the expansion of the universe was slowing down; instead, by monitoring the color shifts in the light from supernovae from Earth, they discovered that these billion-year old novae were still accelerating. This result was also found nearly simultaneously by the Supernova Cosmology Project, led by Saul Perlmutter. The corroborating evidence between the two competing studies led to the acceptance of the accelerating universe theory, and initiated new research to understand the nature of the universe, such as the existence of dark energy. The discovery of the accelerating universe was named 'Breakthrough of the Year' by Science magazine in 1998, and Riess was jointly awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Schmidt and Perlmutter for their groundbreaking work.

    From 2002-2007 Riess led the Higher-Z SN Team which used the Hubble Space Telescope to find dozens of type Ia supernovae at z>1, first demonstrating that the expansion of the Universe was decelerating before it began accelerating and ruling out astrophysical contamination of SN Ia.

    Riess is also known for his efforts to measure the local value of the Hubble constant while leading the SH0ES Team since 2005 with measurements that approach 1% precision and which indicate a discrepancy with the model-based prediction from the CMB, a problem widely known in Cosmology as the Hubble Tension.

    —-Alan [Who had been unaware of Reiss’s discovery, though he had heard of the "Hubble tension."]

  5. Replies
    1. My mother was postmaster at the general store my folks operated when I was born. I should have liked to have the notice of her appointment by Harry Truman, but she probably didn't keep it. The store burnt down some years after we left.

    2. Note: those "antique" brass mailboxes are identical to the ones in the post office where I used to keep a mailbox for business purposes, which was built during LBJ's administration. Of course the original design could have been far older.

    3. That is so cool, Alan...both that your parents ran a general store where your Mom was postmaster appointed by Harry Truman and that the mailboxes you once used were the same sort! As I recall, it was a combination lock and the locks themselves were so worn that it might take 2 or 3 tries to hit it just right to open the box. Whenever I see someone picking a lock in a movie, I remember the sensitivity needed to feel when to pause and turn the dial the other way.

  6. I only stumbled across this video late last night. Ten out of five stars.

    Video: How to make Biden's bad night into Trump's bad November - Click

    1. Thanks, Cat; very good. I agree with your rating. Having watched the video, I wonder if I might send The Lincoln Project a little love. But just looking around here, one wouldn't know there is a political campaign happening. I don't think I have received a single fundraising letter, there are no bumper stickers to be seen--- nothing. The campaigners know the state is in the bag for the Democratic nominee, and the local area is in the bag for the GOP thanks to gerrymandering. When Howard was running in the Iowa caucuses I hand wrote so many letters to voters there that my right hand and forearm not only ached badly, they became numb. All for nothing. That put me off doing such things again. When Bernie came through I joined the crowds; I was angry when they wouldn't let me enter with my hand-made sign, and I still am. And Obama didn't deign to let us gaze upon his face. Well, I am pretty sure I will vote for Uncle Joe; it won't make any difference, but when yeas later someone asks me what I did, I won't have to tell them I was shovelin' shit in Louisiana.

    2. "yeas" should read "years"

    3. Good common-sense approach by the Lincoln Project. --nordy

  7. I see that only one seat is undecided in the UK election; so far I can't find any information about it.

    1. SNP concedes defeat in last UK seat still to declare result [Click] “It seems likely the constituency will go to the Liberal Democrats - although the result is not expected to be officially announced until after a second recount which will begin at 10:30 on Saturday.”

    2. In the case of one (or more!) ties in a UK election, the usual solution is to have a neutral party pick a name out of a hat or some other random method. In some jurisdictions the person supervising the counting of the votes has a vote and can use it to settle ties.

  8. Fast-moving wildfire erupts near Yosemite amid blistering heatwave [Click] I wondered if we might be able to see the smoke from our back yard, but the mountains are obscured by what could as well be clouds as smoke.

    1. Keep us posted, Alan. I don't like you being anywhere near the fires.

    2. We're OK here. Modern house with stucco siding and eaves, fireproof roof, no significant fuel nearby. Just saw this:

      There is a chance that Fresno could set a new record for days with a consecutive high of at least 105, according to the weather service. Meteorologist Antoinette Serrato in Hanford, who noted the longest streak on record was set in 1988 with 14 days. Other lengthy streaks include 20 days of 100-degree weather, according to a Fresno Bee article written in 1988. That occurred in 1983 and 1984. FRESNO’S HOTTEST DAY Fresno’s hottest day ever? According to Serrato, that took place on July 8, 1905, when the thermometer hit 115 degrees.

      We are just hanging out inside, using the air conditioners and fans as desired, and the electric bill be damned. Eighty degrees Fahrenheit is about as low as we get it, and that not for long. 82F is pretty nice.

    3. Wapo -- One of the worst heat waves on record for the western United States is set to peak between the weekend and early next week, bringing a brutal, enduring spell of high temperatures to the Southwest, much of California and parts of the Pacific Northwest.

    4. Highest temperature Fresno: 113 Saturday.
      Highest temperature Seattle: 94 Monday.
      Says Wapo --nordy

  9. So, everyone here knows about Project 2025?

    For a Primer, click here

    To actually read their plan, click here

    Also, I understand that on Amazon Prime there is a film called "Bad Faith" that tells the story of the people who created Project 2025. I haven't watched it myself yet, but a friend said it made her think of Nazis in the 1930s. Scary.

    1. The Nickle Tour:

      PROJECT 2025
      1. Put Medicare on the path to privatization
      2. Repeal President Biden's Medicare drug price negotiation program
      3. Threaten Medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans
      4. Reverse the Biden administration's student debt relief efforts
      5. Withdraw from the U.N. Framework Convention on climate change and the Paris Climate Agreement 6. Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden's landmark
      climate law
      7. Shred greenhouse gas regulations and gut clean energy programs
      8. Replace the White House climate advisor with someone focused on boosting the fossil fuel Industry
      9. Give Trump the power to reject all climate science research directed by
      the Biden administration
      10. Gut the federal workforce and install loyalists by making tens of thousands of civil servants fireable at Trump's will
      11. Allow Trump to deploy the military against American citizens
      12. Allow ICE to conduct raids at schools, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and other sensitive areas
      13. Make federal government establish marriage between a man and a woman as the "ideal, natural family structure"
      14. Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students
      15. Reimplement Trump's transgender military ban and expel transgender service members
      16. Reverse the FDA's approval of abortion medication
      17. Invoke a 150 year-old defunct law called the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of abortion pills, enacting a de-facto national abortion ban
      18. Compel states to report the "reason" for every abortion performed within their borders
      19. Allow states to ban employers from providing cover abortion care
      3 h3 hours ago

    2. DT claims he's not behind it but his embrace of distators, including Viktor Orban, sure makes his claim seem like smoke and mirrors.

    3. Oh yes, they do resemble National Socialists--- who had a significant following in the US during the 1930's. Think of the America Firsters, Father Coughlin, and Charles Lindbergh, among others.

  10. This is from my "Daily Dose of Democracy" news digest. I'll not link to the article, since the headline and synopsis make me want to scream!

    Democratic megadonor and heir to Disney empire joins other backers who are pausing donations until Joe Biden steps aside
    Disney heir and Democratic Party megadonor Abigail Disney became the latest major backer to publicly break with President Biden following last week's debate. Disney announced she would withhold further donations to the party unless Biden dropped out of the race. "This is realism, not disrespect," Disney told CNBC, adding "if Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire."

    1. I have just as many votes as Ms Disney, and she has not made any offer to buy my vote. I doubt she would offer enough, but she is welcome to try; I suppose it might be possible.

  11. We just watched George Stephanopoulis' interview with President Biden, and thought the President looked and sounded great. The pundits say it hasn't calmed anyone's nerves in the Dem Party. I do not understand the Dems.

    1. Maybe it's the pundits that are inexplicable and incomprehensible. Or maybe they stir up trouble to give themselves a job. At any rate, they're not only vile but dangerous.

  12. We just watched George Stephanopoulis' interview with President Biden, and thought the President looked and sounded great. The pundits say it hasn't calmed anyone's nerves, and there is a movement underway.

    The Dems tend to be skittish and have a penchant for infighting and just keep on shooting themselves in the foot. And this time they're going to shoot the country in the heart.

    Our nation does not honour the wisdom of the elders.

    1. Will Rogers: "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."

  13. BTW, in the pictures out front, notice the gorgeous blue sky! That was the sky all day long on our 50th Wedding Anniversary. 😊😁

  14. Keir Starmer’s cabinet will have most female ministers in history [Click] WELL! I NEVER! Quite a few MP’s who didn’t attend private universities, as well.

    1. No members of the Bullingdon Club, I hope.

  15. (NYT) Allies of former President Donald Trump are proposing that the United States restart the testing of nuclear weapons in underground detonations should the former president be reelected in November. A number of nuclear experts reject such a resumption as unnecessary and say it would threaten to end a testing moratorium that the world’s major atomic powers have honored for decades. --nordy

    1. That reminds me of a question that has arisen about the degree to which Russia has maintained its nuclear weapons. Tritium has a half life of only 12.3 years.
