Friday, April 12, 2024

Yellow Crocus



  1. Replies
    1. I am surprised that the castaways’ boat evidently lacked a sail for emergency use.

    2. Large swells. I'm not sure a sail would have solved their situation. When the wind is high you have to reef the sail or even not use it.

    3. Shows what I know.

  2. Huffpost: Trump Team Calls For More Debates With Biden, ‘Much Earlier’ Than Currently Planned [Click] “Ironically, though, the former president did not join any of the Republican presidential primary debates.” I suppose he could participate via Zoom from his prison cell--- if the warden approves.

    1. Make sure there's a partition between them. None of that creepy walking around behind the other candidate.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm confused. AFAIK, the jury automatically has this option. Unless the broadcaster is talking about a plea deal before the jury trial.

    2. I have no reason to think that that person wouldn't take the coward's way out.

    3. I continue to hope for a verdict of "Guilty as sin," achieved within 15 minutes.

    4. Ah, wouldn't that be a relief and a first...!


  4. Big News! Eldest*Grand has chosen her college! She will be attending University of Maine, Orono for Biology/Ecology.
    It's been a tough decision, between Biology and Lighting Design and choosing among 7 or more colleges to which she was accepted! She chose to go in-state to minimise how much she'll have to pay back after graduation...given that her chosen field isn't lucrative. Seems wise! this year's crop of students has had a horribly long wait for decision making because the US Gov't has been way too slow with FAFSA information. School *still* don't have the Gov't info with which to make their financial aid offers!!! (Usually happens in January.). It's nuts.

    1. The state land grant university is always a good choice.

    2. 👍
      * This year's (not "this year's")
      *Schools (not School)

  5. I don't recall what caused me to think about it, but I just read the Wikipedia article about the USS Nautilus. One of my early memories is seeing the newsreel story about its launch (in January 1954, when I was seven years old). I had forgotten that it was sent under the polar ice cap (in 1958) in response to the launch of Sputnik 1.

    1. Wow. When the USS Nautilis was first launched, my mother was not quite a month pregnant with me. I guess I'm a child of the nuclear age.

    2. I suppose you remember newsreels at the movie theater; the last one I saw was about 1967. By then most people had television. Life and Look news photo magazines were also very influential at the same time as newsreels.
