Saturday, October 17, 2020

17: Beauty



  1. A few late night posts on the last thread. :-)

  2. PELICANS!! As we were eating breakfast Miyoko looked out into the river bottom and saw a group of white pelicans--they stick together, so they look almost like a boat. They stop off here for a very short time--often less than a day--on their way between their winter home in Baja California and their summer home in the prairie provinces of Canada.

    1. Wonderful! So this time of year they must be on their way from the prairies to Baja.

      So glad you got to see them!

  3. The Mad, Mad World of Niche Sports Among Ivy League–Obsessed Parents [Click] “Where the desperation of late-stage meritocracy is so strong, you can smell it.” Utter madness.

    1. I am reminded of a French professor of my passing acquaintance at the University of California. He could walk unaided, but not normally, and his upper body wasn't right either--it looked like he would have difficulty raising his arm enough to write on the upper part of a blackboard. He came from Ohio, where they take high school football VERY seriously, and he played seriously in high school. By the time he was a HS senior he needed SEVEN shots of novocaine before going into a game. He went to university (in Ohio) on an athletic scholarship, and was housed in the athletic dorm, where the resident animals made it exceedingly difficult to study. He told of one time he was studying when a guy pounded on his door to get him to come to a party; he told the guy to to away, he was studying for an exam. Then a big fist came through the door, unlocked it, and the creature on the other end of the fist literally dragged him off to the party. He told of coaches passing through the locker room before a game with a bucket full of pills for the players, and how it was considered humorous when they kicked in at the wrong time during the game. Also how the players would study the previous injuries of those they would be playing against, so they could know where to hit for maximum effect, and how they often would wrap their forearms with plaster tape to emulate a cast, so they could use them as clubs.

    2. to to away -->> to GO away...

  4. Replies
    1. Grassroots money. Howard Dean changed things forever.

  5. Replies
    1. Wonder what? Why Amtrak has seriously cut the number of sleeping cars available even though they are sold out days in advance?

  6. OHIO: COVID 180,225 cases and 5,067 deaths.

  7. Replies
    1. Brilliant!!

      I like the one with the cats too! 😆

  8. Senate Will Vote on Skinny Relief Bill [Click] I suppose the Democratic senators will vote for it with great criticism and numerous moves to increase it, then it will go to the House, where it will be transmogrified into a semblance of the current House bill and then be returned to the Senate to die.

  9. Joe Biden Democrat lays out plans for tax, Covid and the supreme court in town hall event [Click] Well, he doesn’t lay out a specific plan for the Supreme Court, but seems to have thought about it and says he will await developments. Fair enough.

    1. But despite the headline, he doesn't say anything (in the video) about taxes.

  10. Biden to Address Expanding Supreme Court [Click] Joe Biden told Fox 2 Detroit that he plans to make his views on expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court known publicly “in the next several days,” and his comments will be pegged to a vote in the Senate on the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Said Biden: “I’m going to make clear my position in the next several days when they vote on this nominee.” He added: “I will lay out exactly what my view is.”

  11. 25 million Americans have already voted in 2020 elections [Click] “As early voting begins across US, total ballots cast represent nearly 20 per cent of total votes in 2016 – with more than two weeks left to Election Day”

  12. VT: 1926 (+11)
    58 deaths (80days)
    191 active cases
    Recovered 1687( 0)
    In Hospital 0 ( 0)
    Tests 177,343 (+1138)
