Thursday, March 30, 2017

Happy 164th Birthday, Vincent van Gogh

Can you believe he only lived to age 37?
Such a Tribute, this:


  1. Op-Ed from the LA Times: The original mistake that distorted the health insurance system in America. That original mistake was employer involvement with implicit tax subsidies. Plus changing mutual insurance companies into for-profit companies. Doesn't explicitly support single-payer -- I don't think he has that in mind at all -- but it could be taken that way.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Bill. It isn't an unreasonable argument, but I note that it comes from the Manhattan Institute[Click], which suggests an agenda we might not all agree with. But that doesn't render it unworthy of consideration. Another thing worth consideration is a uniform hospital accounting (and taxation) act that eliminates the incentive to waste money on facilities and equipment; currently one of hospitals' main sources of cash flow is depreciation--once a building and expensive equipment are fully depreciated (paid off), that money spigot is closed, even if the buildings etc. would be perfectly useful for a very long time. And let's not forget that "non-profit" hospitals can have "for-profit" subsidiaries where monkey business occurs with "excess revenues" of the parent and where paper losses can be generated. There's a lot of money going down rat holes in the health care system. IMO. Still, to go messing with such a big part of the economy calls for great caution. State or regional experimentation is probably a good idea.


    2. And I saw another column today with a heading something like, "The Road to Single Payer." If I interpreted it correctly, he was actually *warning* that single-payer could be the outcome if Republicans don't come up with a free market solution that covers more or less everybody.

    3. The law of unintended consequences rears its head? It's going to be plenty busy in coming days...


  2. Gas isn't renewable, and that is the cheap fuel that is currently driving coal and nuclear out of business. But renewable is getting cheaper too.

  3. Getting back to the original theme of the thread, there is a theory that van Gogh painted bright objects like the sun etc. with those rings around them because that's what he saw--as the result of digitalis toxicity.


  4. Ah, "Starry Night" is very possibly my favorite painting.

    Hi guys. No, I haven't fallen off the edge of the Earth. Just tired and depressed out of my mind at the situation in Washington, dealing with my sister's mental health, which is worsening, and with an ongoing problem with my mother.

    She fell and sprained er ankle several weeks ago. She seemed to be recovering well until she discovered or decided (I don't know which) that she had a fracture higher up the shin bone. Now she can't stand up at all again, after a brief interval of being able to do so. She's frightened and of course that makes everything worse. Sis has been great about caring for her, but as the weeks have dragged on and Mum has seemed to get worse instead of better, Sis' health has taken a turn for the worse. Now she not only hears voices - far more often and more clearly than ever before - but today she has started talking about visions, very disquieting sorts of things, when she closes her eyes. That's pretty damned scary. According to her, she has mentioned the voices to her shrink, who recommends talk therapy, which isn't a viable option for several reasons. So she's not going to mention the voices or the visions when she sees him tomorrow. My philosophy, if she doesn't tell him everything, he doesn't know everything and he can't help her effectively. But she has made her decision. She doesn't listen to me anyway.

    I've been retreating into my books and my music. Also, though, recently started watching clips on YouTube of Stephen Colbert and of Trevor Noah on "The Daily Show." Can't bare to watch the actual news, but they keep me up on everything I need to know.

    I've missed you guys, but have been so miserable and such lousy company... Also the weeks have slipped by so incredibly fast! Can't believe tomorrow is the First of April!

    Anyway, Aren't you glad I came back? :P

    1. I *AM* glad you came back, Cat!! I've been concerned, but I know you sometimes need a break and need a reading marathon, or a music quiz marathon, and was hoping you were simply otherwise occupied. But oh my goodness, that's a heavy load you've been carrying! Is Mom getting some care? Does your sister ever allow family to speak with her counselor; does he invite that? Who do you have in the situation whom you can trust and talk things over with? Who is your advocate?

      Thanks for coming by and letting us know of your struggle. Let me know if you need to converse about it. Feel free to message me via Facebook or to send email.

    2. Yes, indeedy, always always glad to see you here. And listener's right--quite a load to carry. Hope you can find some help/a way out. xox

    3. Also glad to have you back. And echoing listener's question about whether your mother is seeing a doctor. That would be the obvious response to a fracture.

    4. Oh, mercy...

      We're here for companionship, Cat. {{{HUGZ}}}


  5. Great dinosaur article. Thanks, Alan.


    FLYNN WANTS IMMUNITY! Says he has a story to tell to Trump-Russia investigators
