Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Looking mighty good from where I sit


  1. Please forgive the self indulgence - Note: I do not actually have vodka to hand, unfortunately! - but I can't remember ever feeling this miserable, defeated and frightened.

    And it does not help that I just read an extremely long, very bitter diatribe against everyone who did not take one for the team and campaign their arsses off for HRC because she might not be perfect - who is? - but she was the lesser evil. Thank you very much little Miss I'm barely old enough to vote so of course I know everything there is to know about it! :P

    So a little harmless fantasizing seemed not wholly out of line.

    A stiff vodka might be in order before reading this next piece. And BTW does the senario remind you of anyone else we know and loathe?

    https://medium.com/@travisjnichols/a-dire-prediction-for-trumps-first-100-days-9bcdf88e214e#.z9acr4llf - Click

    1. Two comments: The first is that I have never understood the appeal of vodka, which is as nearly tasteless as alcohol can be. For me, a nice peaty Laproaig Scotch. Or an amontillado with its satisfying nut-like flavor. (But I don't expect to be buying a cask of it.)

    2. Second, I guess I am an unredeemable optimist. The past few weeks have been discouraging, especially with so many Democrats -- including DFA -- suggesting that the Electoral College should throw out the election just because it could. The past 8 years have been bad enough, with Republicans putting partisan political advantage ahead of everything else, including the interests of the United States. To see Democrats doing the same thing really did constitute reason to question the country's future. But I remain hopeful that we can put the election behind us, gird our loins, and fight every bad idea Trump puts forth while electing progressives in 2018 and 2020 and throwing the billionaires (specifically including Gov. Raumer) out of office.

  2. Reporting the rise of fascism in Europe was not the American media's finest hour.

    “No people ever recognize their dictator in advance,” Dorothy Thompson reflected in 1935. “He never stands for election on the platform of dictatorship. He always represents himself as the instrument [of] the Incorporated National Will.” Applying the lesson to the U.S., she wrote, “When our dictator turns up you can depend on it that he will be one of the boys, and he will stand for everything traditionally American.”

    Read more: How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler

  3. President Obama has designated large areas of the Atlantic coast and Arctic as OFF-LIMITS to Off-shore Drilling!!
    This is intended to be permanent and cannot easily be overturned by DT.

  4. Plus! Bernie initially got an Electoral vote in Maine! Very cool speech made by David Bright. Read it here:


    Watch David Bright's speech given, here:

    1. That does my heart good. Not an attempt to overturn the election, but a recognition of the man all of us here think *should* have been president.

  5. My turkey arrived today. My original wish had been for a "small" one--mainly because my neighbor who's only five years younger than me has to carry. In the end, the smallest was the largest because it was the only. A great 20 pounder! And thank gods for freezers! The great experiment this year is making dressing from sage almond waffles, since I have no bread. In the end I'd rather use my low carb bread for sammiches, lol!
