Thursday, December 01, 2016

...and December begins

Early December Dawn
- Photo by Ron Cohen


  1. Wise choices are First.

    (Gorgeous photo, Cat!)

    1. Listener, click the photographer's name. He has a blog with lovely photos.

  2. Looks like sometime in the last hour we lost power. Not surprising, as the winds are gusting somewhere over 30mph, sounding like a plane flying too low overhead.

  3. The newspaper says mold counts are way down; wonder if that will help with the nagging, non-productive cough I have had.


  4. Here's something depressing as all hell.

    Facebook shows "Memories," something you posted on this date X number of years ago. On this date one year ago this is what I posted:

    In New Shock Poll, Sanders Has Landslides Over Both Trump and Bush - Click

    I feel like crying, or screaming. To think, if the voice of the people had actually been heard, Bernie would now be Pres. Elect instead of that narcissistic, psychotic bigot!

  5. From Robert Reich on FB:

    What about all of us participating in a National Strike on January 20, Inauguration Day, to protest the man who that day will be sworn in as President of the United States? We don't go to work. We don't buy anything. We stand up to his hatefulness.

    1. In the comments, it was also suggested that people boycott media coverage of the inauguration and refrain from any mention of it on social media. This strikes me as a splendid idear. As one commenter said, Trump is more than capable of measuring the success of the day by Nealson (sp?) ratings.

      Others suggested that folks lining the streets should turn their backs as he passes by; but a better idear offered was for everyone there to simultaneously turn their backs on him as he takes the oath of office. Now, *that* appeals to me. Simple, dignified (no obscene gestures) and eloquent.

    2. Oh yeah, I'm all in for that.

    3. Ah, but Susan, wouldn't you be sorely tempted to moon him?

  6. I've known about this for a while, but seeing it from as sober and respectable a source as Reuter's is most heartening.

    U.S. veterans to form human shield at Dakota pipeline protest - Click

    "U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii and a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, has said on Twitter she will join the protesters on Sunday. "

    1. Comment from a Vietnam vet in Connecticut on AAVAZ's page:

      "There are a lot of declared reasons why the military fights but we all know deep inside we fight to protect those who cannot."

  7. I'll be off for SMOFcon in a few hours. That's the convention for people who help run science fiction conventions. Looking forward to it, but I won't be around for a few days.

  8. Bill, traveling mercies!

    And Happy Rosa Parks Day, to everyone.
